Here's your quote. Direct and unaltered, of course.
You explicitly stated that Denmark abolished slavery hundreds of years before "we" did. That was what you stated. That was what they replied to. Do you even read your own posts, let alone anyone else's posts? You certainly don't read your own sources, given that you claimed India abolished slavery 2000 years ago and even the wikipedia article you cited didn't claim that. Not least because the country of India didn't exist 2000 years ago and the Maurya emperor referred to didn't abolish slavery in his empire (the very article you link to says he urged people in his empire to treat their slaves well) and there's no indication of whether his orders had any effect or lasted for any amount of time. Also, slavery existed in India until the British empire stopped it.
Your sole aim is to denigrate the UK. You're making up anything to serve that end. Including ignoring your own posts.
Incidentally, the earliest known banning of the slave trade in England dates back to the 1070s. Not 1832. But hey, why let minor details like extant historical records or any other aspect of reality get in the way of scapegoating a country?
There have been various legal restrictions on slavery in some areas at some points in time. Some of them meant something locally. Some of them meant nothing as they weren't enforced. What's a simple matter of record is that by far the most important factor in the reduction in slavery on a large scale was the British empire's full on war against slavery in the 19th century. Many Britons died fighting slavery. But you (and, sadly, many others like you) eagerly **** on their graves in your rush to denigrate the UK. Usually extremist racism too - blame whitey! - but it's not clear whether or not you're fashionably racist in that way.