*Batman: Arkham Asylum*

lolz at WatchTowers post :D

i've still not 1000G on this

I've got a friend who used to play test games and has been left with a compulsion to complete things religiously. He's 125 points short on this because he can't nail the hardest combat challeneges.
Woohoo! Finished the game on hard. The battle with Ivy took me a lot of tries, mainly because the camera angle isn't ideal and it's tricky to see who is where. I found it easier once I concentrated on avoiding the vines and picked off the henchmen a bit more slowly. You kinda have all the time in the world with them, and if you use the batclaw to pull them over and let them get tangled in the vines instead of you, then you can buy yourself a lot of time.

After that I nailed the battle with the two titans in one try, no idea how, and the battle with the joker only took me two tries.

Just need to get Gold on the two challenges now... I'm expecting Predator to be a hell of a lot easier than Combat.
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After that I nailed the battle with the two titans in one try, no idea how, and the battle with the joker only took me two tries.

Congrats. That bit when you're fighting the two titans with Joker watching and the numerous henchmen drove me spare on normal. :D I haven't got the hang of the combos yet, could only manage 8x multiplier or so.
Would this be enjoyed by someone who really isn't a fan of Batman? I got no interest in Batman at all really, but the look and feel of this game is right down my street, my fav genre has to be the stealth, old skool Splinter Cell style of game. So would I enjoy this? Cos if it wasn't batman related it would have been a pre-order jobbie for me!
Would this be enjoyed by someone who really isn't a fan of Batman? I got no interest in Batman at all really

Definitely. I'd never heard of half the "baddies" featured in the game but it's bloody brilliant. Can't wait for Arkham City now.
Done all the combat challenges. Rumble In The Jungle (Extreme) took me several nights' practice - I could either finish it with 45k or I'd get 50k+ and then die taking out the titans on round 4. Finally pulled it off with just over 50k. Did Shock and Awe (Extreme) tonight after two evenings' work - it was right to the wire at the end, I was nailing the last few guys as the electricity came on. Was shaking when I finished it!

Just two of the predator challenges to go and then I'll be getting my first 1000GS!
Woohoo! 1000 points! The last two predator challenges were a lot more fun than the last two combat ones. That's my first 1000. Forza 3 next... Last 80 points.
Gratuliere. If you want more 1000 pointers you should try Assassin's Creed I + II. I maxed them out and if I can do it, anyone can. :D
Woohoo! 1000 points! The last two predator challenges were a lot more fun than the last two combat ones. That's my first 1000. Forza 3 next... Last 80 points.

Congrats mate I can't do all the challenges, and I have no hope on Forza feels like I've been playing it for years and haven't got anywhere!
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