*** Battlefield 1 ***

Feel disappointed, was expecting old school bf to return but it just feels and plays like stars wars. :/

Please do not say that :(.

Battlefield is pretty much my go to game ever since 1942 and is pretty much all I play multiplayer wise. I played the Star Wars beta and instantly deleted it. If BF1 is going to be the same then that will spell the end for DICE. Fingers crossed a new dev comes a long because it seems DICE are going the same way as COD.

Sure we are not at the heights of Vietnam/BF2/2142 but each Battlefield released since then has been solid and had its own appeal.
Played a couple more hours last night and my opinion has waned somewhat, can't see myself playing too much more of the BETA on this map.

Hope the full release maps aren't as boring as this one is. It doesn't help that you're playing it constantly back to back mind.

I do agree with others points about rush being better than conquest on this particular map. Conquest is just a constant merry go round of flag captures, at least in BF4 you held flags every now and again.
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I do agree with others points about rush being better than conquest on this particular map. Conquest is just a constant merry go round of flag captures, at least in BF4 you held flags every now and again.

You can blame BF1s scoring system for that. You can get something crazy like 1000 points for neutralizing and capturing a flag. I got a round yesterday where I was 4th on the scoreboard without firing a shot just driving round capturing flags.

The game will consist of two types of people. Those who care about their K/D ratio and don't give a damn about flags. These people will usually be found in a building somewhere sniping.

And those that do care about flags and points, and will likely just be driving about everywhere capturing them racking up the points. There is little incentive to stay and defend a flag.

Feel disappointed, was expecting old school bf to return but it just feels and plays like stars wars. :/

It really doesn't. I fail to see how this feels any different to BF4 ? Granted its not BF2 pace, but have you gone back and played BF2 ? Playing it now it doesn't feel as good as it did back in the day. Its like the old saying about never meet your heroes ...
I fail to see how this feels any different to BF4
I've been playing BF4 for a week or so to get back into the swing for BF1 Beta. The gunplay in this Beta is horrible compared to BF4. Unless you're sniping, it's pretty much spray and/or hipfire over ADS / burst firing, I think that is why its drawing a lot of comparison to SWBF...

Edit: I hope they take the feedback and tweak between now and launch
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Gunplay is just accuracy and recoil values in a database. That doesn't make it a re-skin of Battlefront.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not pre-ordering blindly believing everything will be fine. But i'm not writing it off as just a battlefront re-skin either.
Graphics on the PS4 are really impressive, smooth even in the sand storms.

I prefer Rush than conquest on this map but not played either of them enough to know it well.

Would have preferred a better frame rate myself. The drops are terrible.
I didn't like the beta at first as I couldn't seem to kill anybody. Took me a while to get used to the guns.
Now I actually quite like it. The map they've given us is crap, however. And the snipers are super annoying :mad:
I didn't like the beta at first as I couldn't seem to kill anybody. Took me a while to get used to the guns.
Now I actually quite like it. The map they've given us is crap, however. And the snipers are super annoying :mad:

Can't say I've found the snipers that bad.

The map is ok but nothing great, I love the bayonet charge.

Notice you cant seem to upgrade weapons is that disabled in the beta?

Also how do you spot in this, cant seem to remember how I done it in bf4?
I'm enjoying it. Playing mainly sniper so far but given them all a go. Think I'll generally snipe or be a medic. I haven't revived anyone yet, got to 1 person but they de-spawned before I could complete it.
I'm enjoying it. Playing mainly sniper so far but given them all a go. Think I'll generally snipe or be a medic. I haven't revived anyone yet, got to 1 person but they de-spawned before I could complete it.

That's the thing, you can respawn pretty quick so most don't bother waiting.

I think there is a medic distance when you get killed which is cool, so you can tell if a medic is approaching you.
Played some assault and medic running around trying to understand the map and getting a feel for the game. I like it, it's definitely a Battlefield game, the graphics and sound are nice - bit of a sandstorm occasionally which is a nice effect. Vehicles are interesting and the tanks are decent. I found myself, though selecting 4/5 squads, mostly attempting to cap on my own (probably due to the sniper thing), but occasionally we could keep 2 or 3 together.

After Destiny my BF aim is way off and I am dying quickly but my overall scores are OK because I am always looking to cap. Looking forward to seeing more of it. I'll give Rush a go tonight.
Really enjoying it, got a Battlefront kind of feel to it with the UI and Elites or whatever they are called but that's about it.

I'm not struck on the beta map but liking the guns, little to much Snipers atm but i guess this is because it's all the COD kids playing and it'll calm down a bit on release.
the reason everybody is playing sniper is because the scout class is the only one with an effective long range weapon. Which is what anybody playing infantry wants on a massive open desert map !

One thing I found a lot was i'd spawn into a place near my squad yet they end up being nowhere near me????

Think it does this when you can't actually spawn on them. Most likely a UI bug as it should show the "join" greyed out rather than just overriding your selection without telling you.
Can't say I've found the snipers that bad.

The map is ok but nothing great, I love the bayonet charge.

Notice you cant seem to upgrade weapons is that disabled in the beta?

Also how do you spot in this, cant seem to remember how I done it in bf4?

Pretty sure it is the Right bumper.
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