*** Battlefield 1 ***

Has anyone encountered the same issue as me? Spawned into the armoured train earlier, was using one of the roof mounted machine guns on it. All the bullets were landing waaaaaay below the crosshairs. Had to literally aim a good distance above enemies heads to land a shot, and I'm talking enemies that were within 50m.
Has anyone encountered the same issue as me? Spawned into the armoured train earlier, was using one of the roof mounted machine guns on it. All the bullets were landing waaaaaay below the crosshairs. Had to literally aim a good distance above enemies heads to land a shot, and I'm talking enemies that were within 50m.

Not me but one of my Xbox friends recorded the issue, the bullets are way under the crosshairs very odd but i guess it's an easy fix.

His video is here.

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After playing it on ps4 I thought I'd give the xb1 a go. Had a good couple of hours no connection issues. Game looks and runs well. Now I've got my bearings a bit I am doing far better. Love the medic and the default weapon. I'll get this day one. Not sure what platform I'll give the ps4 another go tonight.
Anyone else playing on Xbox think the graphics are a bit ropey? Maybe it's because it's still in Beta but some of then textures are hilariously bad.

Other than that I had a huge amount of fun just need more practise on console!
Anyone else playing on Xbox think the graphics are a bit ropey? Maybe it's because it's still in Beta but some of then textures are hilariously bad.

Yeah, I couldn't get on the PS4 last night to do a comparison. The only thing I was impressed with was the sandstorm.
Good to see the hit markers registering...I know I missed a few times but jeez he should have dropped from this


Looks to be around 12 hit markers in that video, and that gun at that range should be a 3-4 hit kill.

Looked like what i experienced so gave up after a few rounds.

Yeah, I couldn't get on the PS4 last night to do a comparison. The only thing I was impressed with was the sandstorm.

Turning off blur does make it look a little better.
This game is absolute garbage :(

Was hoping for more of Battlefield, instead we get Battlefront set in WW1, and Battlefront was awful arcadey rubbish

Looks lovely but that's it :(
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I don't find it much different from bf4. Its more clunky and slower but this might change.

Never played battlefront though so can't compare.

Its not perfect and there is a few things that need improving.
The end of round scores seem to take forever to load, sometimes not at all then when I get into the next round sometimes it's already 2 minutes in. Other times I can see the map but can't spawn in straight away when it starts.

Menu is so laggy, half the time doesn't register anything and takes ages to load.

Why can't you open the scores without going to the menu? With the menu lag it's really hard to see that I'm in a rush game with 4 people.

Why do medics always ignore calls for help? Been walked over a number of times. I alternate medic and sniper and always try and revive anyone I see drop.
I use medic class and find it incredibly hard to see who is requesting medical attention.

I think if it was clearer people would revive more.

I often go up to fallen soldiers and inject them and nothing happens, most likely they have used quick spawn.
Tried to get on, on PS4 last night but every server that was populated had huge queues. Are there capacity issues here with the amount of live servers?
This game is absolute garbage :(

Was hoping for more of Battlefield, instead we get Battlefront set in WW1, and Battlefront was awful arcadey rubbish

Looks lovely but that's it :(

This is the problem i bought Battlefront day one because it looked amazing, played it for a couple of weeks and then haven't played it since... After doing the same with The Division and NMS I'm now really wary of paying full day one price for anything new...

I'm really tempted by the Battlefield 2 resurrection on the PC though.. (Free!) :cool::)
This is the problem i bought Battlefront day one because it looked amazing, played it for a couple of weeks and then haven't played it since... After doing the same with The Division and NMS I'm now really wary of paying full day one price for anything new...

I'm really tempted by the Battlefield 2 resurrection on the PC though.. (Free!) :cool::)

I bought Battlefront after playing the beta and really enjoying it, mostly due to it being Star Wars, then when I got the full game I basically stopped playing after a week as I realised I basically played the full game in the beta. It was terribly boring and the arcadeyness of it really irked me
I bought Battlefront after playing the beta and really enjoying it, mostly due to it being Star Wars, then when I got the full game I basically stopped playing after a week as I realised I basically played the full game in the beta. It was terribly boring and the arcadeyness of it really irked me

Haha! That's exactly the same as me. At first i was like "Woah, this is amazing there are walkers and they've really captured Hoth and it looks just like the films!"

But after a few hours the shine and graphics wear off and you realise EA has bent you over again.. :(

I think its the season passes that get me. You think to yourself i need to get this up front as it will cost more if i have to buy it later and i don't want to miss out on the awesome expansions. Until you find out the game is cack and the expansions are just different versions of cack. Its funny the only game i can still pick up and play is Destiny which has been around ages and despite having nothing new added for a while.
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