*** Battlefield 1 ***

I've just got this, and while I'm enjoying the SP I haven't really tried MP yet as I'm not very accurate with the guns yet so need a bit more practise. Got some time off work after Tuesday so might give it a shot then. if anyone wants to add me it's ZenKeb (Xbox)
The Scout's Gewehr M.95 Infantry is an absolute beast. No scope, but one or two hits to a kill and the bolt is pretty quick :D Throw incendiary grenades and incendiary trip mines in to the mix and you've got one guerilla defence bad-ass.
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Incredible how much better this is with a squad of people you know. I appreciate that's always been the case with Battlefield but seems even more so in BF1.

Operations is also infinitely better than Conquest.
Operations is amazeballs. It's amusing how difficult it is to get some veteran BF players to stop playing (and complaining about) Conquest and give it a go.

Reminds me of BC2's Rush, in terms of the intensity of the fighting.
Loving Operations and Rush and i was a dom type of guy, the games incredible atmosphere is outrageously good when you appreciate it and the sound through some good headphones.
I loved the Beta and really want this game but the fact that it'll cost another £50/60 over the next 18 months in DLC really annoys me :(
ive tried to find out myself and found this, unsure if its legit though

There's no counter knife.
Each "slash" does 80 damage.
If you approach someone from behind or sides (or the front of they have less than 80 health) you'll do a takedown like in BF3 or BF4 however it is a lot faster than the ones we're used to

Thanks. That seems to be the case.
Having done a grand total of zero research before buying this on Saturday (PS4) my thoughts are:
  • I feel myself aging with these loading times.
  • I remember why I hate playing FPS on a joypad. Shame I have nowhere to put my computer except for on my TV... even then I would have nowhere to put the mouse.
  • Planes are a lot harder to fly than I remember in BF 1942.
  • I love being a medic.
  • Graphics look great but having the option to play around with the settings means that some people are taking advantage (e.g. they can see straight through smoke...)
  • Love the operations MP option but disappointed that they haven't expanded it to really mean anything. Thought it was going to be a progression over Europe or something.
  • People can't drive tanks.
  • Some serious underpowered/not optimised issues. E.g. end of game menu system just lags like anything waiting for things to load. Often the FPS will plummet.
  • Apparently I need some credit thing to unlock weapons. Is this experience or do I have to pay? Caus that would suck.
  • Plane/blimp gameplay needs looking at. Planes don't last long if the blimp can see everything.
  • Love how much of the buildings can be destroyed.
  • Support class is useless. They should have some rocket launcher or something. Maybe I'm not using it right.
  • Had to put a chair in front of my 50" TV because every other player seems to be able to see you even if you're a pixel over the hill but you definitely can't see them. Also put the brightness up a bit.
  • Is there a tutorial or something? I jumped straight into MP and no idea what these crates and addons are. To give you an idea, I'm used to CS: Source and FPS' from back then. Rocket League is so much easier :( Edit: This helped explain a little bit.
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