*** Battlefield 1 ***

Gotta say highly impressed, no issue with crashing unlike BF4 and runs nicely. My CPU with this game runs much better than how BF4 does with lower usage.
played 1 rush and 1 conquest. Prefer the setting to all the modern stuff the past 10 years or so.. If i was going to pick it up i'd really have to have a squad of friends to play with, which i dont.

Game is pointless on your own, you get next to nothing done with no communication.

Beta is Beta but as mentioned before seems like 70% of the players are snipers and its also riddled with people going 50-0 not sure if these are pro players, campers or just botters. Pass for now, until i get friends :p

People that don't cap flags get zero points for their 50-0 as far as I understand.

This will crush such silly behaviour as these guys will constantly be at the bottom of any boards.

Which is something I said I wish they had in BF4. It really is the only way to stop idiots from not contributing to the teams object and just doing their own thing.

When one team is going for the obj and the other is just doing what the hell they like that's when you get landslide victories.

This is why I have a low k/d ratio. I go like the clappers towards objectives. Don't care much for my k/d ratio.
see the beta game has already been hacked by these hackers .one hit kills while flying the plane

One of the unlocks for the attack plane is a cannon, it seems to be similar to the ground stationary at weapons. It takes down all the other aircraft in one shot. T may be that

It's a bit far fetched to imagine that being on a ww1 biplane
Ahh..well that explains a lot. Its like a marriage to him then, the longer you stay with a spouse the more likely you are to fight to stay with them rather than pick up another one :p

That's it, I have about 960h and it's a chore to play now tbh
I'm the opposite, 358 hours in BF4 prior to BF1 beta, since BF1 not a single minute in BF4 and no inclination to do so :)

Only 358? Bless your still a young 'un, think Nexus has over 1000 hours so for him to yearn for playing BF4 again is impressive lol

Ahh..well that explains a lot. Its like a marriage to him then, the longer you stay with a spouse the more likely you are to fight to stay with them rather than pick up another one :p

lol, could say that :D

1166 hours played (could have sworn that I had about 1300 hours though...) and for the BF 4 beta, I must have had close to 100 hours and that was just for siege (and paracel storm on the last 1-2 days)

Haven't really played bf 4 the way I use to (i.e. more or less every night) for at least a year now but I am missing a good MP FPS like it and it doesn't look like we will have another game similar to it for quite a while.
I haven't played pc fps competitively for around a decade. (Was mostly bf2142 and cs:source). Been slothing it out on xbox360/one. Recently built a new pc so thought I would give it a try. On xbox I can quite easily maintain a 2.1 k/d ratio but on pc it is more like 1:2 :D. Got to brush up on my keyboard skills for sure!
Can I ask what hell dice has done since the outage? because it's all messed up!!!

Because the first day was ok.. as medic class my kills where ok 2 to 1 death and aim was good. No just been on 2 different servers and to me I am hitting them, but they just turn around with assault gun and kill me outright... not just one player a bunch of different players. Ping is low 20's every time. Snipers everywhere, but I can't hit them at all... for them just to hit me once.

what has changed? or they done?... every weapon is joke now. but on Tuesday it fine? or is it me?

First server was fun.... no weapons, jeep disappearing... the attack still going or something, because its way off.

Going to try again! see what happens, if they same then leave it till weekend i think and try again... if the same then am out. Was going to get the base game to pass the time!
What has changed in the series then that has got people saying it's been consolified and made simple for the console folk?

I didn't play much 1942 really, just a few hours tops but I did play a lot of BC2 and also BF3 so I'm interested to hear what has changed in people's minds.
Definitely feels by far the most arcade like bf game (haven't played hard line or Star Wars) and gun mechanics need improving. Really not sure about this but early days.

Set motion blur to 100% in game, your monitor to 30Hz (for epic trails aka lasers) and maybe squint a bit...Now you are playing Battlefront.

Reinstalled for another play late last night, uninstalled again withing 1 hours play.

Too me, this series feels like it's had it's run and is now on it's last breath :(
hmm played the alpha and it was great fun but I don't know if it's just the map but this feels boring in comparison.
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