*** Battlefield 1 ***

dice engine has massive known hacks.
welcome to dice and ea beta rushed games.

To be fair they will always be one step behind the cheat engine authors :( if you've played BF4 recently though its almost constantly scrolling with fairfight and pb bans :| so if you randomly throw cheating accusations around a fairly good chance you'd be right :S this is where things like community run servers with active and good admins comes in.
Regarding cheats, have DICE/EA changed their retarded policy yet? i.e. the 3 strike rule:

- stat reset
- stat reset
- then ban and the ban is only done to their current account


This is for the ones that get past fair fight and only way is for dice/ea staff to look into their accounts.
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Cheating will be more of a problem in BF1 with DICE's decision to extend the middle finger to the admin community who have supported Battlefield for so many years.

Without admins on servers to manually kick/ban or the 3rd-party anti-cheat tools that can be updated on a hour-by-hour basis you are going to be waiting days/weeks instead for the latest banwave or anti-cheat checks to be rolled out to servers.
most bf games i have known during alpha beta anticheats not fully or worked at all.thats pretty normal as often the build is more about testing other things.

often anticheat is updated turned on for release.thing is at moment people dont know what is going on.could be funny as on launch some cheaters may think oh look no protection only to be banned first day :D
Not had a cheat yet.

If I find one I'll go on another server.

I must have just been incredibly lucky, played 4 hours so far and not seen any cheats yet. Seen lots of people shouting that person X is cheating but I havent seen it at all. There was a guy earlier who went 44-0 and everyone was crying that he was hacking and how do they report him, but he spent the entire round in a tank so not a particularly surprising score. Apart from that, in the 4 hours I've done so far , havent seen anything obvious, but maybe I have just been exceptionally lucky.
Cheating will be more of a problem in BF1 with DICE's decision to extend the middle finger to the admin community who have supported Battlefield for so many years.

Do you have a source for that? All the releases I've read from EA just say that they are no longer going to allow third party companies to host servers, as they themselves will now rent servers (from November).
Do you have a source for that? All the releases I've read from EA just say that they are no longer going to allow third party companies to host servers, as they themselves will now rent servers (from November).

I didn't know this. That's worrying, when they want the game to die and everyone to move on they will just shut the servers down
Well that was an interesting round, spawned into an attack plane (despite the fact my default both before and after that was fighter plane) with no forward weapons at all...
I seem to be getting an average close to or at 60 fps most of the time on an overclocked GTX 970 at 1440p ultra. Very pretty game.

It does peg my old i5 750 at 100% most of the time though, which is strange when I still have 60 fps at that point.
Do you have a source for that? All the releases I've read from EA just say that they are no longer going to allow third party companies to host servers, as they themselves will now rent servers (from November).
We probably both read the same announcement: https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/34210/battlefield-1-rental-server-program

In the past we've had roughly 2 weeks to get our servers ready for launch. This time we can't even rent the server and most worrying is the wording of the customization part;
On a rented server, players will be able to customize gameplay aspects like server name, map rotation, game mode, various game play settings, and more. We might restrict number of game modes available at launch and gradually enable them based on feedback and other circumstances, but you can expect that we’ll keep adding customization options and UI design throughout 2016 and beyond.
This doesn't sound like the full control remote console access the Battlefield server admin community depends on :(

The BF1 Rental program is basically like how console server rentals work in BF4. Very limited control with only the options DICE wants you to have.
The PC community is very different. They want full control to create the absolute best Battlefield experience possible.

For months people have been asking DICE the questions on servers and basically we have nothing. They might be behind schedule and aren't ready to release details on all the in-house tools they have built to replace the community ones. That is possible as one of the highest profile admin tool developers now works at DICE. However without anything to give people hope. A lot of Battlefield admins and communities are fearing the worst.
I'm kind of wanting to pick it up at release but I still hate EA and reluctant to chuck that sort of money at them when the release will no doubt be a buggy, cheat filled mess that will then expect you to buy expensive expansions every 6 month.

Only just bought BF4 a short while ago and can't make up my mind with this, probably won't as my hatred of EA will override all else :p
Still got about 8 hours left on my trial but don't think I will be pre-ordering. Weapons and points rewards need changing imo to encourage people to play the objective more.

Just seems to be snipers and support players camping at choke points or up on hills/buildings
Still got about 8 hours left on my trial but don't think I will be pre-ordering. Weapons and points rewards need changing imo to encourage people to play the objective more.

Just seems to be snipers and support players camping at choke points or up on hills/buildings

Everyone wants something different .
Everyone is complain for something.
It is impossible to please everyone.

At the current stage BF1 is ok for me ,withing next few months should be good enough for everyone.
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