*** Battlefield 1 ***

Spent the last hour trying to get into an operations game , each time it starts the intro cutscene then just dumps me back to the operations screen, very annoying
The one weapon in this game that really brings my **** to a boil has to be the rockets for the fighter plane, the amount times I've been right up an enemy plane's hole only to see them all inexplicably miss is making me wonder. I'm talking like 10 feet behind them in a straight line and they all seem to miss, just seems incredibly random if they hit or not.
The one weapon in this game that really brings my **** to a boil has to be the rockets for the fighter plane, the amount times I've been right up an enemy plane's hole only to see them all inexplicably miss is making me wonder. I'm talking like 10 feet behind them in a straight line and they all seem to miss, just seems incredibly random if they hit or not.

Probably typical Dice "netcode" I have huge inconsistency with projectiles at the best of times in BF4 :(
Yeah I'm on 3440X1440 also, I meant 95 FOV would probably be to high for 16:9 let alone 21:9, sorry I didn't make myself clearer ;-P

Lol Its all good man! It all depends on the game as Gears 4 was spot on with 100 FOV but Star Wars Battlefront had quite bad fish eye when you upped the FOV. IIRC I went with 90 for that game
Would be using when you cave on the 21st

Edit: wouldn't surprise me if your playing it now.

We will see :p ;)

Too busy enjoying mr robot atm, then after that it is luke cage, then after that, it is my 8+ other tv shows to watch + division patch soon so that will keep me busy :D

While I agree ,its not the "whole point" of an ultrawide monitor. On that basis,you also dont want a low FOV as that would negate the benefits of ultrawide

Well yes obviously if you drop the FOV below the default, you will lose the advantage of 21.9 :p

Just remember that the more you up the FOV, the smaller objects/enemies in the distance will be i.e. it will be harder to spot and reduce your accuracy due to them being smaller.
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