*** Battlefield 1 ***

I can see the flak cannons getting either a range downgrade, a damage downgrade or possibly both, only gonna be a matter of time before pilots are ranting about it.
Really need to squad up, HabitualUK if anyone wants to add me, need more people to play with! Be warned, I'm pretty ****e at the moment! :)
yeah that's what I was planning on yesterday and had completely forgotten to do it, so thx for the reminder lol.

Ok guys, here we go, will be updating the OP with Origin/OCUK names.

If you can now post up yours in every reply in this thread, would make my life easier.

Is there a way to link to a Google document? Might be easier, saves you having to update it when people add their names etc?
This game absolutely hammers my i5 2500k @4.6. 100% CPU usage for 100% of the time!

Even limiting the framerate to 60 doesn't help :eek: Get minor microstutter every minute or so, still highly playable though.

Had the same issue on BF4 launch but I had an AMD card back then so mantle helped, DX12 doesnt help in BF1 since I'm using a 980.

Might be time to pick up a 2600k/2700k/3770k for hyperthreading, seems to help a ton in recent titles.

I had that setup (but upgraded to i7 6700k!) and the beta and 10 day trail was ok.... but yes it does beat down the 2500k. Was getting dips into the 30's FPS... not great. Try lowing some settings and that helped me till I upgraded. Or find a i7 sandy might help!

I'll be on in the week around 7 to 10, so if am on I'll have a few games.

With people not drop ammo and health.... welcome to BF games. People never drop stuff. Saying that medics drop health packs all day long in BF1... ammo? I've seen about 2 players drop it :(.

Even worse when there is train or Zep and you need ammo as assault class to take it down. If i did have ammo supply I could half the health on these things!!

So far am enjoying it. There is the same BF niggles with players, but over all it's good. St Quentin Scar is a great visual map.... also Amiens.

One bug that ****ing me off right now is at the start of round you pick and plane, tank or something.... wait for players to join and.......... you spawn with no plane or tank.... and have that class gear on. :rolleyes: The amount of times I've picked a plane and then just spawned in air falling to ground is a joke!
Played first few online games today, and m,an it's good fun. Not sure what people were moaning about people saying "ez" in chat etc. I completely ignore the top left of the screen :cool:

Nothing more satisfying than clubbing someone to death.

Nothing more annoying than spawning on a squad mate, then being killed instantly.

Standard Battlefield antics.

Also, this game, SP or MP, is by far the prettiest game I have played to date. There's so much going on graphically with no slowdowns at all on a GTX 980 even when a tank explodes right next to you on Ultra settings. I can't believe it!
Got a few silly questions, how do you buy weapons/gadgets? I have 450 warbonds, but I'm not seeing any kind of buy option?

On my medic, I can see the medical crate on the soldier screen, it's not locked, but when I go into a game, I don't get an option to equip it.
Got a few silly questions, how do you buy weapons/gadgets? I have 450 warbonds, but I'm not seeing any kind of buy option?

On my medic, I can see the medical crate on the soldier screen, it's not locked, but when I go into a game, I don't get an option to equip it.

on the deploy screen click on customise, from there you can change weapons etc and buy new stuff
Game looks and runs superb only issue I have is AA - TA and FXAA ruin the image, very blurry. Any way to use MSAA? Currently leaving AA off but I'm running 35" 21:9 at 2560x1080 so could do with it....
Going to reinstall the game to see if I can resolve the damn blurry graphics bug I've got.
Example: http://m.imgur.com/wLWXeac?r

Bit strange...what card you using?

EDIT: ...and are you restricting the memory usage?

That's an hilarious bug.

As if the game still lags when you're switching to hide chat. :o

Chat is the most annoying feature. Players are toxic and it's muted as soon as I join!
How the hell do I use the bayonet charge? it seems its 50/50 with me trying to use the bayonet while my character thinks hes john rambo and uses a knife to do 30 damage instead..
I had some free amazon vouchers from work so decided to buy BF1 tonight, downloading now.

GAM8LE_ on origin for anyone who wants to add.

Will be doing the SP first however
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