This game absolutely hammers my i5 2500k @4.6. 100% CPU usage for 100% of the time!
Even limiting the framerate to 60 doesn't help
Get minor microstutter every minute or so, still highly playable though.
Had the same issue on BF4 launch but I had an AMD card back then so mantle helped, DX12 doesnt help in BF1 since I'm using a 980.
Might be time to pick up a 2600k/2700k/3770k for hyperthreading, seems to help a ton in recent titles.
Even limiting the framerate to 60 doesn't help

Had the same issue on BF4 launch but I had an AMD card back then so mantle helped, DX12 doesnt help in BF1 since I'm using a 980.
Might be time to pick up a 2600k/2700k/3770k for hyperthreading, seems to help a ton in recent titles.