*** Battlefield 1 ***

Played this most of the weekend... good fun. Need to blast through SP first. Been hammering the MP. Operations is good change to norm... nice longer battles!

If anybody need to group added me - Copey-GB

Anyone started a list of origin names?

Don't normally group in BF, since you can just play it as is, but would be nice to group up with people who know what there doing. More points and all that if working in a group well!
God, are sightings supposed to make it easier to aim?

Every game with iron sights... just completely obscures your view :/

Yeah, I feel the same way about it .

plus I seem to have no crosshair to aim with or even see how many rounds I have left...let alone even see a map in MP ( server browser) , operations is ok though .
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just updated to the newest NVidia driver today and have started to get weird drops in fps at times? I'm sure its the new driver as wasn't getting it before, anyone else getting weird spike drops? it only lasts a couple of seconds before shooting back up but it is annoying
has anyone sunk some time into the SP yet or has it been mainly MP focused?

I am tempted to get it but would rather play SP first.
Buckster76 if anyone can add me please :)

btw any way to disable the "gamertag" photos at the end of match ?

lets say I've seen some "interesting" ones already !!!
Feel free to add me - ScottishWarl0rd
Ive added a load already. I have discord running, but due to my motto of happy wife, happy life i'm mic less as PC is in the living room. I will be a voyeur with my ears and be happy just to listen in ;)
Single player is such a waste of potential. Don't bother, completely unauthentic.

Because sitting in a trench taking pot shots would be so much more enthralling, as thats what most people associate ww1 as being. Its a game BASED on ww1, its not a ww1 simulator.
Because sitting in a trench taking pot shots would be so much more enthralling, as thats what most people associate ww1 as being. Its a game BASED on ww1, its not a ww1 simulator.

It doesn't need to take the Arma root, but walking around like a mech warrior is absurd.
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