*** Battlefield 1 ***

Great game... When it works. Sadly I keep getting DirectX errors which are causing the game to crash. Looking on the BF1 forums there's a big thread about GTX 600 and GTX 700 series cards having issues with this game. No word on a fix yet.

Been thinking about an upgrade anyway so might take the plunge.

Not one to upgrade for a single game but if you are going to do it...it could be the game for it. Looks stunning!
I get stuttering when zooming in and out on spawn map screen,anyone know a fix? enabling vsync fixes it but the input lag is insane.
I went from 3 to 5 kills per round to 20 to 30 kills per round by turning vsync off:eek:

Same as I found in the previous battlefield's.

Anyone finding microstuttering or the like join a custom 60hz tickrate server.

On bf4 30hz servers were horrid and gave quite laggy animations. Especially after firing an auto weapon.

Seems far smoother in general on a 60hz server for me.
dont get any stuttering at all gsync and x34 is insane for this game.. so smooth at ultra!

even with ****loads is going on screen too!
Anyone else noticing skins for the vehicles no longer selectable? I had an option of something like 4 for the tanks, now its only 2.
Not one to upgrade for a single game but if you are going to do it...it could be the game for it. Looks stunning!

It plays really nicely too. To be fair I've been wanting to upgrade for a while now. This rig is starting to show its age and can't run WoW on the highest settings without becoming a slideshow.
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You don't need to be a chatterbox or even talk, we have some mute members who just like to listen.

That's handy info, I'm not able to chatter due to a sleeping baby but it'd be good to have some squad chatter. I'll hop on this evening and see if I can get some games in
Anyone knows what is in today's patch ??
it seems to be weapon ''balance''

Patch Notes:

Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
Fixed an issue where players were missing “The Insider” Dog Tag.
Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
PC: Fixed an occasional crash when a user shutdown the game.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced troubles with A and X button functionality on PC while using an Xbox One controller.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced crashing while closing the client during streaming installation.
Xbox One: Fix for the “Trench Raider” Dog Tag not unlocking on Xbox One.

Fixed two issues in the “Through Mud and Blood” War Story where no new objectives would appear.
Fixed an issue where players experienced wrong info in loading screen.
Fixed an issue where players were missing the Dog Tag counter.
Fixed an issue where English text would appear for players in non-English regions.
Fixed an issue where players experienced a placeholder image when opening the Operations menu for the first time.
PC: Fixed an issue where players were missing an option to display controller button prompts.
Fixed an issue where players experienced End of Round screen not loading.

Fixed a crash related to soldier animation.
Fixed a graphical glitch when exiting a War Story and going to the main menu.
Fixed an issue where players experienced player icon overlapping while matchmaking on console.
PC: Temporal anti-aliasing is now the default anti-aliasing mode on medium graphics quality.
PC: Fix for a graphical issue causing artifacts in shadows.
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Came back to origin and have a load of people on it! It's division all over again... loads of people added on client.... but only need a few good players!

So you lot around!...

... waiting in server queues!!!
@Gerard try clear your BF1\Settings files in Documents.

Although I appear to be getting DX errors every time I try enable DX12 in BF1...

Anyone else have a clue? If I clear my Docs Settings I can load the game up, whack settings on Ultra OK. But soon as I enable DX12 I get DX errors...
Probably better sticking to dx11, dx 12 performance seems slightly lower to me. Plus theres no visual difference anyway.
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