*** Battlefield 1 ***

lol at calling it a reskin.come on.:p

How is it not a reskin? The game is the same base engine with nothing new in terms of mechanics. I am not saying it is bad but it IS a reskin of the last few Battlefields just a different setting. Well...I guess mounted combat is new.

Derogatory comments not really needed considering how pretty it is. Even if it WAS as you say, it still one of the prettiest games ever made

Derogatory comment? I mean not really sure how it was. It is clearly just a reskin of BF4\Battle front. That isn't to say it is not pretty but the fact remains I would hope the game is well optimised for something that is a reskinned game using the same engine as the last few Battlefields have.
I don't know if its my imagination or bad memory, but every time I have been on Sinai Desert, it seems quite dark with lots of clouds in the sky, I am sure I remember the beta bright and sunny
I don't know if its my imagination or bad memory, but every time I have been on Sinai Desert, it seems quite dark with lots of clouds in the sky, I am sure I remember the beta bright and sunny

It's not like that all the time, the weather changes.
How is it not a reskin? The game is the same base engine with nothing new in terms of mechanics. I am not saying it is bad but it IS a reskin of the last few Battlefields just a different setting. Well...I guess mounted combat is new.

Derogatory comment? I mean not really sure how it was. It is clearly just a reskin of BF4\Battle front. That isn't to say it is not pretty but the fact remains I would hope the game is well optimised for something that is a reskinned game using the same engine as the last few Battlefields have.

Lol.... This is nothing like battlefront.... You funny guy ;)
Some great games last night thanks to the people I squaded up with:) excellant team work and spot on voice comms throuugh discord.
Lol.... This is nothing like battlefront.... You funny guy ;)

Agreed! I played the BF Beta and it was awful, which was a shame really. Battlefront is nothing more than an BF4 reskin but BF1 is totally different. There may be similar mechanics, as with all FPS games but it's no reskin.
How is it not a reskin? The game is the same base engine with nothing new in terms of mechanics. I am not saying it is bad but it IS a reskin of the last few Battlefields just a different setting. Well...I guess mounted combat is new.

Derogatory comment? I mean not really sure how it was. It is clearly just a reskin of BF4\Battle front. That isn't to say it is not pretty but the fact remains I would hope the game is well optimised for something that is a reskinned game using the same engine as the last few Battlefields have.

Agreed! I played the BF Beta and it was awful, which was a shame really. Battlefront is nothing more than an BF4 reskin but BF1 is totally different. There may be similar mechanics, as with all FPS games but it's no reskin.

Battlefront a reskin of bf 4? lol, if only!!!

The only game that was a reskin of bf 4 was hardline.
Is it any good? Fancy a new game.

The maps are super dynamic, the graphics are stunning and the weapons are a nice refreshment from what current first person shooters offer. It takes the COD feel away, and adds a touch of BF 1942 to a modern engine.

I wasn't impressed with BF3/4, as I wanted to feel the nostalgia of BF2. Instead what I got with BF3/4 was a COD style framework shoved down the throat of BF2 and, with a lot of strain, **** out the otherside.

With BF1 I could feel the nostalgia - all the good times I had playing BF1942. If you are looking for the same thing, like a lot of people, I would buy it.
Agreed! I played the BF Beta and it was awful, which was a shame really. Battlefront is nothing more than an BF4 reskin but BF1 is totally different. There may be similar mechanics, as with all FPS games but it's no reskin.

Battlefront didn't feel like a BF4 reskin but BF1 feels like a Battlefront reskin to me, particularly the movement and the way weapons feel.
Battlefront didn't feel like a BF4 reskin but BF1 feels like a Battlefront reskin to me, particularly the movement and the way weapons feel.

Also agree with that, imo, it is like a mix of battlefront + bf i.e. battlefront play style with battlefield mechanics i.e. squads, proper vehicle play, team work such as repairing, providing ammo + health.

If battlefront was a reskin of bf 4, I think it is safe to say the game would still be very active and that myself and the others would have put hundreds/thousands of hours into it just as we did with bf 4 :p

TBF to battlefront, the main reasons myself and the others stopped playing it was because:

- OP weapons and getting one shotted i.e. the dl44 pistol
- getting one shotted across the map with the pulse cannon
- casuals with crutches running around the map going on 40+ kill streak with ease
- casuals with crutches sitting in the OP ATAT going on easy kill streaks
- grenade spam

They somewhat addressed the above issues but as usual, it took them 6+ months to do it...
So today I learned that Battlefield 1 has controller aim assist in multiplayer! This makes a nice change to forcing it off in other online games. I couldn't play Battlefield 3 and 4 because they had no aim assist online. I've always preferred kicking back and playing on the big screen with a controller so this is like a revelation to me.

Just this small thing alone has made me seriously consider a 4k TV.
Downloaded this las night and managed to play the opening screen game however coming from CS:GO the sens was sooo high compared to what I am used to. Does everyone play with high sens? Not sure how much the game play would change if I lowered it to what im used to.
Downloaded this las night and managed to play the opening screen game however coming from CS:GO the sens was sooo high compared to what I am used to. Does everyone play with high sens? Not sure how much the game play would change if I lowered it to what im used to.

Yeah, I play on 3200 dpi but I have reduced the game sensitivity so it may be actually be less.
Well on CSGO I play 800dpi and 1.2 in game sens. My BF1 sens was sent at 20% and it was everywhere :/. Need to spend some time on campaign trying to get the right sens I think.
Downloaded this las night and managed to play the opening screen game however coming from CS:GO the sens was sooo high compared to what I am used to. Does everyone play with high sens? Not sure how much the game play would change if I lowered it to what im used to.

i think the default sens is on about 20? i kept mine at that and seems fine, though usually in games i do lower it

dont know how people can play with high sens, i end up spinning around 5 times before i get a shot off

my mouse is set on 2000dpi and in game its set at default 20, so am i playing at 400dpi sens?
This looks awsome.

What's the minimum specs.

Would my HD5870 be even able to play it?

Got my finger on the button of a 470 at the moment.

Only thing is I don't get much time on the PC now....

It looks great love the WWI maps can you play this map exclusively?
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