*** Battlefield 1 ***

Given what ronku whores have been like in the past i.e. hyped hardline and battlefront like there was no tomorrow (it is really good, superb feedback, listen to what we want etc. etc.), then about 3 weeks after release, they stopped playing it and stopped uploading any footage to their channel, I think it is safe to say take what they "think" with a pinch of salt ;)
Think this will be a good time to finally say fairwell to the battlefield franchise.

BF2 was and is one of my all time favourites, a truly magical game that got so many things right, despite being very rough and basic by today's standards. Put so many hours into this game and loved every second of it.

Quite enjoyed BF3 despite some initial bugs, but it lost some of the magic of the previous game and replaced it pointless features that required no skill to use. BF4 took everything that was wrong with BF3 and made it even more wrong. It also has massive underlying lag/latency/hit reg issues that are just being deceptively masked. I've never played a game that has such a huge discrepancy between what you see on your screen and what is actually happening in the game world.

Such a shame. :(
Only just noticed this, but as well as the little bit of what looks like gameplay footage in the jungle, it also looks like gameplay footage at 12-13 seconds in to the reveal trailer, of a rear gunner's viewpoint.
does "look" good will be nice to play on with a GTX 1080 on acer x34 so i will prolly end up buying it and DFing in old planes will be pretty epic so im in :D
Love the setting - nice and refreshing!

Coincidentally I was in the WW1 section of the London Imperial War Museum for about 3 hours on Tuesday - I highly recommend everyone go as it is a fantastic exhibit!
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