*** Battlefield 1 ***

Man I am so so happy that they stick with realistic shooter rather than going off with unreal, futuristic, imaginative concept.
I'm definitely interested in this game. They seemed to have listened regarding the new setup for classes and with the theme there is not going to be any stupid lock-on's anymore or dumb gadgets. They also seem to have focused on destruction which will be cool and ofcause the game looks really nice.

I am so over modern shooters - I think this game will be a welcome change to the stale franchise.
Didn't see this coming!

I have to say I am liking the idea of the setting, I had high hopes for Verdun but didn't enjoy the actual gameplay and while I would have preferred a WW2 to drive a tiger, I will settle for this! :D

I personally dislike the "modern/futuristic" genres, give me good old fashioned iron sights and droneless skies.
I think it appalling that not only are a games company going to make money off the back of the unmitigated human catastrophe that was the first World War, but that people will even enjoy playing it.

I recommend anyone who wants to play this listens to Dan Carlin's historical podcast series "Blueprint for Armageddon", a brief and engaging history of the war - if they can enjoy the game after that then they are messed up.
I think it appalling that not only are a games company going to make money off the back of the unmitigated human catastrophe that was the first World War, but that people will even enjoy playing it.

I recommend anyone who wants to play this listens to Dan Carlin's historical podcast series "Blueprint for Armageddon", a brief and engaging history of the war - if they can enjoy the game after that then they are messed up.

Surely the same can be said for every book, film, and videogame that focuses on armed conflict?

I am evolved enough to understand the difference between videogames/films and reality. I play War Thunder, and have been shot down many times while taking control of the gunners, yet I find my great uncle's death after dying in that exact situation over Belgium in World War 2 no less sombre. I will play this game just fine, despite having shed tears inside Menin Gate and at the foot of Thiepval memorial.
Surely the same can be said for every book, film, and videogame that focuses on armed conflict?
Depends on the purpose of the conflict (ridiculous in this case) and the nature of it (horrific). Kids and ill-informed people will be playing this thinking war is awesome, and all about making your Sopwith Camel do barrell rolls, when in fact it was about ordinary people dying horrific painful deaths by the hundreds of thousands in every battle.
Just doesn't sit well with me.

Edit: I understand that you may be well educated and empathetic to this war, but did the developer ever stop to think "how many graves and important historical lessons are we trampling all over to make a buck and a cool kill streak montage on YouTube?" :/
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Depends on the purpose of the conflict (ridiculous in this case) and the nature of it (horrific). Kids and ill-informed people will be playing this thinking war is awesome, and all about making your Sopwith Camel do barrell rolls, when in fact it was about ordinary people dying horrific painful deaths by the hundreds of thousands in every battle.
Just doesn't sit well with me.

So some deaths in war are OK to be made in to film and media, and profited from, whereas others aren't? I think the people that died in the smaller wars died just as painfully and in just as much terror as those that died in WW1. I understand that the scale is different, but I don't think that changes anything.
So some deaths in war are OK to be made in to film and media, and profited from, whereas others aren't? I think the people that died in the smaller wars died just as painfully and in just as much terror as those that died in WW1. I understand that the scale is different, but I don't think that changes anything.
Other wars have long been glamourised and there are 'glamourous' elements to some of them. It's easy to cheer on fighting the Nazis for a common good, and there is some tactically and strategically astonishing set piece battles to take part in that challenge the mind and dare I say it are enjoyable. You can find very little of this in WWI without some very loose poetic licence.
I'm interested, it could be good, and the setting is refreshing. If they've got **** like the starwars heros, they better not be in conquest mode.

They have battle pickups already in bf4, but picking up a weapon on the battlefield shouldn't suddenly make you a superhero.

Looking forward to the beta.
Other wars have long been glamourised and there are 'glamourous' elements to some of them. It's easy to cheer on fighting the Nazis for a common good, and there is some tactically and strategically astonishing set piece battles to take part in that challenge the mind and dare I say it are enjoyable. You can find very little of this in WWI without some very loose poetic licence.

I don't think the fact that other periods of conflict have already been used in this way makes it any more OK to continue using them as opposed to branching out like BF1 is. More socially acceptable, maybe, but the personal tragedies of those involved in all armed conflict should be considered to be of equal weight.

I also don't think that it being more "easy" to cheer against Nazis should make any difference, in fact I find that attitude particularly saddening in and of itself. If you're really concerned about companies making money from human tragedy, then you should also appreciate that almost no German soldiers, sailors or airmen were by definition Nazis, and were by no means any more evil than a British or American. They were ordinary people who had families, emotions and consciences like any other; victims of both circumstance and the Nazi party just like the many allied soldiers that died during WW2. I find the fact that people deem it "OK" to turn a blind eye to this because there were some "astonishing set pieces" a far greater tragedy than a corporation releasing some new piece of media from a previously relatively untouched conflict.

As for poetic licence, well, OK? Videogames are almost never realistic, even the best WW2 shooters make things up, they are making an entertainment product after all and not a documentary.
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