*** Battlefield 1 ***

When the Rent a Server program starts you won't be able to kick/ ban. That functionality will come later.
Unless you are buying a server for a Platoon/ Clan you are just buying spare server capacity and its likely the server will remain empty most days unless EA reduces the number of Official servers.

Not a problem at all, buying the server mostly for friends to play on when wanted, its dirt cheap anyway. If others do too, then thats a bonus. Kick/ban will be coming in time and who knows how quickly it will come, soon as it does my admining will be firm.
Any way to stop the crashing, so far I'm getting BF1 needs to close, ctd's, black screens, full shutdown restart, running 1070 on 375.70 DX11+12 not running AB?
73 hours played on MP and I have to say I'm bored. I didn't get this bored on previous BF games. Looks great, runs great, pretty well balanced but I just don't feel the urge to play much.

I've realised I don't like many of the maps and only like about 2 guns.

I'll keep it installed and jump on every now and again but cant see me playing it too much more, I will run through SP though.

Tbh its probably me as much as anything.
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Quite a few people are getting the same issues, I guess we will have to wait for a patch from Dice, but a DDU and driver install wouldn't hurt.

Sounds like a bad overclock

Its not my setup that's running stock gpu/bulletproof 4.2Ghz on my 3770K , it's the game and or latest Nv driver, it was solid all through beta and pre patch.

Looking for other tips though.:)
I havnt been playing quite so much but I havnt been playing any games really for the last week,ive been more into going fishing lately lol had a quick go on operations just now and I'm still loving the game,just don't feel like gaming as much at the moment :)

would still give the multiplayer 8.5/10 but I hate the single player!
Bought it this morning.

Have been playing for a few hour, but it's not really sucking me in the at the moment - however, part of that could be that it doesn't like my graphics card; told me it's below the minimum spec, and I can only seem to get into games with everything set to Low, and even then, it's still a bit stuttery in places - games always feel better when they run smoothly.

So looks like I'll finally need to update my old Radeon 6800HD. Which I've been dreading for a while because I'm well out of touch with what's on the market these days, and there seems to be a huge amount of choice.

That aside, I'm not getting into it quite as much as BF3. Feels very "run and gun" at the moment - the only bolt action weapons I've seen so far have scopes, I'd really like to be able to use one as an assault class or something - feels like you have to get in really close and empty your whole magazine at enemies, and I've always preferred more medium range combat where you can exploit the size of the maps. But I guess this is the fashion for a lot of mainstream FPS games these days.

I'll persevere, but first I guess I'd better go GPU shopping :(
Bought it this morning.

Have been playing for a few hour, but it's not really sucking me in the at the moment - however, part of that could be that it doesn't like my graphics card; told me it's below the minimum spec, and I can only seem to get into games with everything set to Low, and even then, it's still a bit stuttery in places - games always feel better when they run smoothly.

So looks like I'll finally need to update my old Radeon 6800HD. Which I've been dreading for a while because I'm well out of touch with what's on the market these days, and there seems to be a huge amount of choice.

That aside, I'm not getting into it quite as much as BF3. Feels very "run and gun" at the moment - the only bolt action weapons I've seen so far have scopes, I'd really like to be able to use one as an assault class or something - feels like you have to get in really close and empty your whole magazine at enemies, and I've always preferred more medium range combat where you can exploit the size of the maps. But I guess this is the fashion for a lot of mainstream FPS games these days.

I'll persevere, but first I guess I'd better go GPU shopping :(

GPU choice at the moment is easy mate.

You want high end 1070/1080.

You want value for money brand new then probably a 480, 1060 or even a Fury which I saw on offer a few days back.

Second hand, 980ti.

It comes down to how much you want to spend and your resolution.
73 hours played on MP and I have to say I'm bored. I didn't get this bored on previous BF games. Looks great, runs great, pretty well balanced but I just don't feel the urge to play much.

I've realised I don't like many of the maps and only like about 2 guns.

I'll keep it installed and jump on every now and again but cant see me playing it too much more, I will run through SP though.

Tbh its probably me as much as anything.

To be honest with 73 hours playtime in 2 weeks I would be in need of a bit of break.

Its not my setup that's running stock gpu/bulletproof 4.2Ghz on my 3770K , it's the game and or latest Nv driver, it was solid all through beta and pre patch.

Looking for other tips though.:)

With the shutdowns it could be a PSU issue. Personally, knowing how good BF4 was at finding even an slightly unstable OC, I would drop the CPU by 100MHz
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GPU choice at the moment is easy mate.

You want high end 1070/1080.

You want value for money brand new then probably a 480, 1060 or even a Fury which I saw on offer a few days back.

Second hand, 980ti.

It comes down to how much you want to spend and your resolution.

Thanks. I might have a look around later.
Resolution is 1920x1080 and as ever, "as little as possible", although realistically, I'll spend a couple of hundred quid on something if it lasts me another few years - had the current card for 5 years now, but I don't really game as much as I used to anyway.
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