*** Battlefield 1 ***

The grind in this game is beyond ridiculous.

Just scored like 12500 points in a half-hour match of Conquest. My progress bar basically only filled up maybe 15% or so. If that. And it's not like I'm super high level, I'm only level 10.

It honestly hurts my motivation to play sometimes. Call of Duty gets it right, constantly having people leveling up and gaining access to new weapons, perks and skins and whatnot. At this point, I basically need to play like 3 hours or more just to level up once in Battlefield. Really aggravating.

Really? i level up every hour roughly.
I'm loving the planes now, getting a lot of bombing kills and starting to get a bit better at dogfighting too.

God forbid you fly towards an AA though.
Guys, please help an idiot.

I can't find the customise menu anywhere to change loadouts? The quick option I've seen in vids online is just not there?
I'm loving the planes now, getting a lot of bombing kills and starting to get a bit better at dogfighting too.

God forbid you fly towards an AA though.

Make sure you bind yaw up to the space bar, it helps massively.

I was called a hacker last night because I was a medic and came top of the scoreboards with 27 kills and 6 deaths....the guy 2nd had 62 kills and 14 deaths

Had to explain I actually took flags and healed teammates...he still thought I cheated lol

Just a 12 year old casual moron, forget him plenty of them get p***ed because they are tardish.
Bloody love the weather on this game, way better than levolution, fog/rain whatever completely changes the way you have to play for 10mins or so, realistic and epic!

Yeah, it's pretty cool. I was on one of the conquest maps (Don't know the name) and we were losing badly. Then comes along that train which completely turned things around, allowing us to push the enemy back, a bit too far in all honestly. Then out of no where, a sand storm appeared, making the train now effectively useless for the rest of the match. We still managed to win, but it was a much closer match overall.
I find the weather a bit irritating as fog seems to come into play more often than not, certain maps seem almost a certainty to get fog.
Thats why when the BF1 server rental scheme starts and I rent a server, I will be a damned firm admin.
When the Rent a Server program starts you won't be able to kick/ ban. That functionality will come later.
Unless you are buying a server for a Platoon/ Clan you are just buying spare server capacity and its likely the server will remain empty most days unless EA reduces the number of Official servers.
The grind in this game is beyond ridiculous.

Just scored like 12500 points in a half-hour match of Conquest. My progress bar basically only filled up maybe 15% or so. If that. And it's not like I'm super high level, I'm only level 10.

It honestly hurts my motivation to play sometimes. Call of Duty gets it right, constantly having people leveling up and gaining access to new weapons, perks and skins and whatnot. At this point, I basically need to play like 3 hours or more just to level up once in Battlefield. Really aggravating.

"It honestly hurts my motivation to play"

This is the world we live in. A game about WW1 doesn't tell its players they are amazing and worthy of a gift enough times in an hour, so they lose the motivation to play.

38 million people in WW1 died so you were allowed to say that.... and then a whole lot more have died since.

From the Social Justice Warrior thread:

Your previous post shows a perfect example of what I'm describing.

You act like some persecuted white man, like you are somehow the target of all this and are being hard done by. Feeling persecuted is normal for just about any human being or group of human beings, but your particular attitudes towards this are especially small-minded and frustrating to see.

This whole thread is really just painful to read through. I'm shocked that there aren't more people involving themselves to raise concerns about the level of crap that's getting posted here regularly. As I said, I've obviously completely misjudged people here in the UK as being more progressive-minded, when there's still obviously a very big population that aren't any different than what you'd find in Alabama.

Well now that I know that this ridiculous anti-progressive movement(because these extremist 'SJW's' as they are called, are really just a tiny minority and exceptions rather than any rule) is being supported by mods here, I'm out.

I'll be sure to recommend others avoid this place if they care at all about where their money goes.

I'm super shocked that this actually in anyway a thing here in the UK. I obviously had this false notion that people in the UK were more progressive and understanding than people in the US, at least that's what the stereotypes told me, but clearly after Brexit and stuff I've been hearing in this thread and others like it, there's a pretty big population of that same crap here, too.

This place wont be getting any purchases from me in the future.

EDIT: And just to be clear: I dont like 'outrage culture' at all. But I do dislike those who make fun of the intentions of those trying to enact positive change for people who dont have the representation and reputation they need, and I feel like too many overplay the 'SJW' card in order to talk down to these people who really do need the representation. We've gotten as far as we have today not by dismissing the concerns and needs of minorities and the repressed, but by listening to them.

"This is a game, you are supposed to make me feel like I'm winning, like I'm the best! This is NOT A CHALLENGE, how dare you think that!"

Kill. me. in. the. face.
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"It honestly hurts my motivation to play"

This is the world we live in. A game about WW1 doesn't tell its players they are amazing and worthy of a gift enough times in an hour, so they lose the motivation to play.

38 million people in WW1 died so you were allowed to say that.... and then a whole lot more have died since.


From the Social Justice Warrior thread:

Kill. me. in. the. face.
I have no idea what one has to do with the other? You're clearly just looking to find something to complain about, which is a bit hypocritical.

Either way, I'm still loving the game, I'm still playing. The gameplay is amazing as you'd also have read in your creepy digging into my past posts. But I also like to unlock new guns and gadgets and whatnot to try out. It's part of what keeps these games staying fresh for me - playing around with new stuff. No idea how that makes me some 'special *********' and bringing up '38 million people died so blah blah blah' is beyond moronic. This is a video game, fella. Calm your nips. Nobody died to make this game.

Anyways, bugger off. ** Watch the personal insults - EVH **

"This is a game, you are supposed to make me feel like I'm winning, like I'm the best! This is NOT A CHALLENGE, how dare you think that!"
Yea, nowhere was I suggesting anything like that.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. I see going out of your way to exaggerate things to make others look bad is something you enjoy?

EDIT: Seriously am done with this place. Community is consistently awful.
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Gameplay is **** what is dice thinking hold down mouse button to shoot for a better aim, its feels like cod, yeah game is pretty and runs nice with good fps on my rig around 80-100 on ultra.

Everyone a sniper or runs shotguns.

Glad i done the trial and not buying.

Bring on MWR, till the next battlefield comes out.
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