I've never played 64 player games in BF3/4 and thought that more was needed.
A new leaked image of the vehicle selection.
**** me this looks awful, only in 2016 can you make a game in really bad taste about one of the largest wars ever.
Upgradeable horses. What a joke. Bring on the poison gas for extra kiddie gamer lulz.
Everything failed for me after Battlefield 2. However from the ashes of Battlefield rose project reality mod and now Squad Greenlight, which is only getting better and better - http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380
I am now 100 hours into playing Squad, I think more than any game ever possibly with the exception of BF2 when I was a member of 50klicks
EA & Activision are just money whores and don't give a flying ..... about what people want.
A new leaked image of the vehicle selection.
Just re watched the trailer and noticed a half second image of a guy in basicaly a suit of armour mowing people down with a machine gun.
Maybe the hero powerup fears are true.
**** me this looks awful, only in 2016 can you make a game in really bad taste about one of the largest wars ever.
Upgradeable horses. What a joke. Bring on the poison gas for extra kiddie gamer lulz.
If there's that BS I'm out. Give me a 1942 style remake, handful of weapons, emphasis on skill not on power ups.