*** Battlefield 1 ***

I've never played 64 player games in BF3/4 and thought that more was needed.

If you are trying to depict WW1 it is very needed along with larger maps.

BF series is dead to me now and I loved it at the time, same as COD after MW2 it died for me.

EA & Activision are just money whores and don't give a flying ..... about what people want.
Everything failed for me after Battlefield 2. However from the ashes of Battlefield rose project reality mod and now Squad Greenlight, which is only getting better and better - http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380

I am now 100 hours into playing Squad, I think more than any game ever possibly with the exception of BF2 when I was a member of 50klicks
**** me this looks awful, only in 2016 can you make a game in really bad taste about one of the largest wars ever.

Upgradeable horses. What a joke. Bring on the poison gas for extra kiddie gamer lulz.
**** me this looks awful, only in 2016 can you make a game in really bad taste about one of the largest wars ever.

Upgradeable horses. What a joke. Bring on the poison gas for extra kiddie gamer lulz.

Tbh the poison will be like an incendiary grenade from BF4.
Everything failed for me after Battlefield 2. However from the ashes of Battlefield rose project reality mod and now Squad Greenlight, which is only getting better and better - http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380

I am now 100 hours into playing Squad, I think more than any game ever possibly with the exception of BF2 when I was a member of 50klicks

I have 246 and am a huge fan. I'll still play BF though and this game looks really fun in particular. Squad does have the potential to be truly amazing though. I'm pretty excited about maps 3-4 times larger than BF and 50 v 50 all out warfare.

This game from BF does have the potential to take BF a little closer to it's roots so I'm excited about it.
EA & Activision are just money whores and don't give a flying ..... about what people want.

Really? I'm pretty sure people have been after a MW remake for years...and now they're getting one. I'm also pretty sure people wanted something other than modern day BF next...which is what they're getting.
Just re watched the trailer and noticed a half second image of a guy in basicaly a suit of armour mowing people down with a machine gun.

Maybe the hero powerup fears are true.

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Just re watched the trailer and noticed a half second image of a guy in basicaly a suit of armour mowing people down with a machine gun.

Maybe the hero powerup fears are true.

If there's that BS I'm out. Give me a 1942 style remake, handful of weapons, emphasis on skill not on power ups.
If there is a defend the titan mode like 2142 with zeppelin's...I'm sold haha.

Re the above, could be related to single player game tbh. Won't know until further down the line but heroes would be a massive no for me.
**** me this looks awful, only in 2016 can you make a game in really bad taste about one of the largest wars ever.

Upgradeable horses. What a joke. Bring on the poison gas for extra kiddie gamer lulz.

Not sure kids will like this game a whole lot as they will actually have to aim a gun and reload with limited ammo too.

I'm really looking forward to this game. For me the ultimate games were COD1 and 2. This game is updated and set in WW1 which is unique.
If there's that BS I'm out. Give me a 1942 style remake, handful of weapons, emphasis on skill not on power ups.

It will end up like Hardline's (Battlederp) and SWBF (Hero and Vehicle) pickups if that happens. Attract the noobs with more money than sense, get the sales and watch the game die of within a few months. What the **** has happened to Battlefield? :(

Sometimes I think people buy these games to bring some sense of justification to their expensive hardware and play a tech demo rather than play a good Battlefield game.
If we ever talk about big game publishers like EA and Activision, it will always be games accessible for masses rather then elite. People who don't understand that not everyone plays like nexus with 40 to 0 maps will struggle to have their dream filled for "hard game". If I make a game and I want to make money I will make sure the game is ok for plebs, casuals, noobs, trolls and pros. Now pros will cry about the below but if the games is good it will be played by them too.

Now bf4 is not as hard as previous bf franchise (bc2 and bf3) but that doesnt mean for someone who wants a bit challenge you cannot make it hard. Dot play with OP weapons. Play infantry in vehicle heavy maps, play supports. Thats how you make the game challenging. I see people here with weapons and 20k kills on it (yes you haz :D) I try to play with all weapons to master them cos that makes the game challenging. So thats my conclusion.

If i see anything gamebreaking in the game i have my hopes that eventually it get fixed/nerfed to oblivion. Thats how its it It must be hard to find nice balance in game cos if I spend 3k hours flying littlebird I can abuse the crap out of it, but the dev or the testers will not have such skill so they will not see that LB is op up until potato factory is on the server. Same with AC130 and so on.

I would say lets wait and see, dont draw conclusions from a 1min trailer unless you played the game.
I am also out if hero mode is present, don't care how good the rest of the game will be.

I knew that it would ruin star wars and it did... casuals being able to go on 50+ kill streaks with minimum effort = no thanks.

Honestly won't be surprised if they have copied the card/gadget/pickup system from battlefront too..... as well as the aircraft system being just as arcadey to fly/handle.
One thing that's got me worried about this was a comment someone made about being able to form a squad before joining a server, so that when the squad leader joins a server the squad will follow. In it's self that sounds good, but if it means no server browser, and only matchmaking then I'm out. You can't form communities when you have no say on which server you join.

And that horse loadout is a hoax.
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