*** Battlefield 1 ***

No preorder for me even if the beta is superb, not with what happened with bf 3 and 4 alpha/beta to final release... and hard-line and battlefront (the last 2 was more just not doing what the majority wanted)

Bring on the beta, while i enjoyed 3 & 4 i just didnt find myself playing them long term despite having season passes for both.

As others have said, glad they went back in tiem rather than more futuristic
I'm not going to purchase it until after release.

Regardless of if the beta is the best thing since sliced bread I'll still be waiting for release due to what happened with the BF4 beta vs the state of the finished game.

Anyone who want to preorder this game now, on the strength of a 60 second reveal trailer, needs to have a long hard think about the past history of EA releases.
So far I've picked up Battlefield games and Premium while on holiday in Brazil, Mexico and India. I might be going abroad later this year too but I'm unsure where yet. It's usually a last minute decision.
So far I've picked up Battlefield games and Premium while on holiday in Brazil, Mexico and India. I might be going abroad later this year too but I'm unsure where yet. It's usually a last minute decision.

It seems to be £41.50 for the standard edition in Mexico, £36.50 for India.
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A new leaked image of the vehicle selection.

Still only 64 players! :rolleyes:

Same **** different day/year. :mad:

WW1 was a very close quarters combat war and a very brutal war.

Am not interested. :(

128/256 players colour me interested, but 64 players is dull this day and age especially when trying to depict WW1 as that was real trench warfare.

Last BF I purchased was BF3 after that they lost me. I loved BF2 and 1943 but EA killed BF like they kill all games. :mad:
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