*** Battlefield 1 ***

It should have come with more maps, at least 12 from the start.

I'm just finding after a 100+ hrs its getting a little repetitive.

We are getting a new map next month though so that's something . . .

Most game's get repetitive well before 100 hours, but yeah could do with a 2/3 new maps. I've just hit 60 hours level 10 in all 4 classes and the newness is wearing off, still enjoying it though can loose 2 hours in it no trouble
Not tried HC mode on BF1 yet but HC mode on BF3 was much better than HC mode on BF4 imo. Removing the mini map removed half of the game mechanics and making it so your mines would kill friendly vehicles was infuriating with all the stupid careless players driving over them and then punishing you for the tk!
That doesn't seem to be the case in BF1, there's not enough difference in the weapons over the levels to do that, except lvl 10.

Hopefully the expansions will through in some challenges to unlock guns or limit to certain levels. At the moment it doesn't matter what overall level you are, it's a pointless number that just shows probably how long you've played the game more than anything.

Totally agree. Ive unlocked other guns in medic and assault but the default guns are always the ones I end back at. The only reason you might struggle at the start is because you dont know the maps, not the weapons.
Are you using Afterburner and DX12?, if so disable the OSD.

Nope :(

I figure its drivers & game update. Urgh

Apparently I am a complete idiot and do have afterburner installed (not no OSD on). Closed it, and it works fine now.

Thanks for making me check!
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What on earth have they done to Hardcore , its a right mess, its like someones played Arma and they've applied the whole Arma thing to an arcade game, bloody terrible. Was really looking forward to this as well.

I cant even see the names of my own squad when i look at them , because yes in War , you wouldn't know who you're stood next too, seriously wtf !
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I really think something has went **** up since the patch, just about any game i've played since that update its been heavily one sided.. Whereas before i seen a lot of very close games. Dunno wtf is going on.
Cause the retards that only spammed mortars etc have to actually use a gun instead.. think 80% of my deaths been from mortar or train airship or that ****ing boat..
What on earth have they done to Hardcore , its a right mess, its like someones played Arma and they've applied the whole Arma thing to an arcade game, bloody terrible. Was really looking forward to this as well.

I cant even see the names of my own squad when i look at them , because yes in War , you wouldn't know who you're stood next too, seriously wtf !

To be fair, it's far less of an arcade game in comparison to most and hardcore mode really does add elements of realism. For instance, shot before death, HUD/Map, who's friendly and who's an enemy.

I think it's great to be honest, though they definitely didn't test it properly (again, surprise surprise) and it's a little over the top.

I think they should have Normal mode, Hardcore mode and a third "Real" or "War" mode where it's hard as ****.
Cause the retards that only spammed mortars etc have to actually use a gun instead.. think 80% of my deaths been from mortar or train airship or that ****ing boat..

you love a bit of mortar :p

but come on you cant compare the mortar to death from above and tanks.thats 90 percent of deaths :p

as for HC it will be empty in a week if its not tweaked.went on a game conquest even people on blimp were killing each other while riding it.no one cares just shooting anything that moves.i even got sniped out of the blimp by my own team mate LOL
Apologies to those I was playing with last night... My trusty 6950... May have gone pop... No computer till the new card arrives hopefully this weekend! ha.
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Why do I see so much hatred towards mortars, when you have Tanks, Bombers, Blimps, Trains, Gunships, Grenades...a whole host of OP machines that kill you if they kit you, yet all I see in game chat (or at least before the patch) was how much people get enraged by being killed by mortar?

Guess its the snipers sitting in their cubby holes and they don't like being disturbed.
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