Is it nearly time for me to post a "told you so!" meme?
Player numbers are still decent:
Although it has dropped massively since the first week, wasn't it something like 800k???
The hype/honeymoon period certainly seems to be dying now though, seeing quite a few posts on various forums of people saying things along the lines of "game is getting old now", that and all the flaws people have pointed out since the beginning of the alpha starting to get on peoples nerves now i.e. behemoths + snipers + shotties etc. etc. and then that utterly retarded patch yesterday, nerfing AA and buffing bombers + suppression and not changing the shotties or snipers at all :/ All that combined with a low skill ceiling and a lack of unlocks makes for a short lived game.
Also, our regular lot don't seem to be on the game anywhere as much either now, lucky if you see more than 5 people on where as on the first week, DC had about 15+ people on
It is certainly going to be interesting to see what happens with the youtubers who rely entirely upon the BF franchise i.e. levelcap given that their income will be sorely affected if viewers drop to pitiful numbers, might even see them stop uploading footage all together except when new DLC comes i.e. like what has happened with hardline and battlefront.
Also what westie has said, some good games out atm + overwatch free trial starts tomorrow (I can see this pulling a huge amount of people away)
+ been reading/hearing an awful lot of good things about titanfall 2! Supposedly it is fantastic