*** Battlefield 1 ***

Re. Lvl 10 guns...are they actually any better as when you see some of the stats against even lvl 3 they all seem weaker?

too be honest close quarters nothing touches 2nd shotgun.nothing.

i use basic sniper you start with overall better than henry martini.lmg take your pick.

i dont use any level gun even though have all unlocked.:D
It's a great combination :D

One of reasons there are classes and different types of weapons is to ensure you can change to pick something more suitable for a specific situation.

You're not going to use a shotgun and gas out in the open are you? Likewise you should't really run in first to close quarters as medic.
Agreed, but sometimes it just seems like there is gas everywhere, all the time, and I've seem plenty of people using shotguns and gas out in the deserts of Senai etc haha!

I know most are playing on online but what is the single player campaign like in this? Some of their previous ones were a bit arcade for me but I really liked the bf4 campaign.
Its actually not bad, the whole war stories thing is quite well done in my opinion. :)
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I think 100% damage bodyshots for snipers is pretty bull imo. 45m-70m range with certain bolt actions versions too which means youre pretty much one shotting at medium range.
Population certainly seems to be reducing, last night and again tonight the server I was on emptied of people by about this time. Up until this week the server would have stayed full until much later in the night.
Plenty more servers to pick from and a lot better games out atm that's probably why...

Dishonoured 2 patch just been released so loads will be going back to that now.
Is it nearly time for me to post a "told you so!" meme? :D ;) :p

Player numbers are still decent:


Although it has dropped massively since the first week, wasn't it something like 800k???

The hype/honeymoon period certainly seems to be dying now though, seeing quite a few posts on various forums of people saying things along the lines of "game is getting old now", that and all the flaws people have pointed out since the beginning of the alpha starting to get on peoples nerves now i.e. behemoths + snipers + shotties etc. etc. and then that utterly retarded patch yesterday, nerfing AA and buffing bombers + suppression and not changing the shotties or snipers at all :/ All that combined with a low skill ceiling and a lack of unlocks makes for a short lived game.

Also, our regular lot don't seem to be on the game anywhere as much either now, lucky if you see more than 5 people on where as on the first week, DC had about 15+ people on :eek:

It is certainly going to be interesting to see what happens with the youtubers who rely entirely upon the BF franchise i.e. levelcap given that their income will be sorely affected if viewers drop to pitiful numbers, might even see them stop uploading footage all together except when new DLC comes i.e. like what has happened with hardline and battlefront.


Also what westie has said, some good games out atm + overwatch free trial starts tomorrow (I can see this pulling a huge amount of people away)

+ been reading/hearing an awful lot of good things about titanfall 2! Supposedly it is fantastic :eek:
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jack frogs just made a video on this gun is broken.might aswell kiss goodbye to the hunter shotgun.

does bother me when if you watch hes playing in a group stacked with reasonable players. on the worst map for shotgun obviously ... :p argonne forest.

a shotgun is powerful up close.its a trench choke point map what do people expect ? worst thing is they will probably listen to him then you get a paper blowing flower.

its a shotgun ffs you preshot chokepoints it will be effective.why not do it on a open desert map ? i wonder.
Yep overwatch is brilliant atm

1v1 3v3 arenas new characters been added and balancing to all characters just been patched too. It's a very good game when played with a few friends...

Ya titan fall 2 is good nexus pretty ****** solo playing tho need 1 or 2 mates to play with as team play is a massive advantage is titan fall... u can be the best aimer in the world but u come up against 2 or 3 people working together with a lower skill ceiling then urself and you'll lose every game.
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I think 100% damage bodyshots for snipers is pretty bull imo. 45m-70m range with certain bolt actions versions too which means youre pretty much one shotting at medium range.

What makes you think that?

Some of us want a slightly more realistic game... I only ever played hardcore in BF3 & BF4.

If a sniper rifle hits you just about anywhere other than skimming your head or taking your hand off... you're dead... even if it gets your foot, you are disabled and useless in the rest of the battle.

Same with SMGs... 2-3 shots in not-too sensitive places of your body and again, you're completely useless apart from maybe managing to get off a few shots before you lose dexterity to fire back.
They do have a hardcore mode if youre hankering for the one shot kill scenario.

Its not about realism its about fun and balance. It makes no sense that horses can tank a grenade, and you put on a flimsy medieval armour and youre bouncing bullets off even though armor would easily get punctured by bullets (if not why not have an army of knights in WWI).

Having a weapon at such 45m-75m one shot is when there is not bullet drop or prediction almost acting like a hitscan is not a meaningful interaction between two players unless the game is built around that (CSGO for example).

This is of course in my opinion and am in no way saying that you are wrong.
Yep overwatch is brilliant atm

1v1 3v3 arenas new characters been added and balancing to all characters just been patched too. It's a very good game when played with a few friends...

Ya titan fall 2 is good nexus pretty ****** solo playing tho need 1 or 2 mates to play with as team play is a massive advantage is titan fall... u can be the best aimer in the world but u come up against 2 or 3 people working together with a lower skill ceiling then urself and you'll lose every game.

titanfall off topic learn the routes wall runs. that is basically 50 percent of the game.
Is it nearly time for me to post a "told you so!" meme? :D ;)

Also, our regular lot don't seem to be on the game anywhere as much either now, lucky if you see more than 5 people on where as on the first week, DC had about 15+ people on :eek:

It was always like that in BF4 though, I'll still play but IRL stuff keep getting in the way at the moment.

I'll be on tonight for some games.

Players numbers in every game drop off, how's the division doing? That suffered from a mass exodus in players but it's still popular and being played. You think 800k are going to play this every evening?
Yep overwatch is brilliant atm

1v1 3v3 arenas new characters been added and balancing to all characters just been patched too. It's a very good game when played with a few friends...

Ya titan fall 2 is good nexus pretty ****** solo playing tho need 1 or 2 mates to play with as team play is a massive advantage is titan fall... u can be the best aimer in the world but u come up against 2 or 3 people working together with a lower skill ceiling then urself and you'll lose every game.

I saw the Overwatch free thing advertised but Overwatch doesnt interest me at all. I've watched videos of it and it seems far too hectic and fast paced for my gaming tastes. Likewise Titanfall 2, I am so bored of wall running and pew pew laser sorts of fps, its why BF1 has the appeal it does for me. I've played scifi/future fps to death in recent years and want to see more WW1/WW2 games again.
Is it nearly time for me to post a "told you so!" meme? :D ;) :p

Player numbers are still decent:


Although it has dropped massively since the first week, wasn't it something like 800k???

The hype/honeymoon period certainly seems to be dying now though, seeing quite a few posts on various forums of people saying things along the lines of "game is getting old now", that and all the flaws people have pointed out since the beginning of the alpha starting to get on peoples nerves now i.e. behemoths + snipers + shotties etc. etc. and then that utterly retarded patch yesterday, nerfing AA and buffing bombers + suppression and not changing the shotties or snipers at all :/ All that combined with a low skill ceiling and a lack of unlocks makes for a short lived game.

Also, our regular lot don't seem to be on the game anywhere as much either now, lucky if you see more than 5 people on where as on the first week, DC had about 15+ people on :eek:

It is certainly going to be interesting to see what happens with the youtubers who rely entirely upon the BF franchise i.e. levelcap given that their income will be sorely affected if viewers drop to pitiful numbers, might even see them stop uploading footage all together except when new DLC comes i.e. like what has happened with hardline and battlefront.


Also what westie has said, some good games out atm + overwatch free trial starts tomorrow (I can see this pulling a huge amount of people away)

+ been reading/hearing an awful lot of good things about titanfall 2! Supposedly it is fantastic :eek:

I am kind of horrified at the PC numbers tbh. Compare to BF4 which consistently matched (and often exceeded) PS4 numbers for peak and players online. I enjoy the game but don't feel it has anywhere near the tactical depth of BF3/4 (sorry, didn't ever play BF2) in terms of map design, vehicular combat, or play-style. I still enjoy the game though, no doubt about that, but certainly considering Titanfall 2 and was even thinking about re-installing BF4 (although less tempted with that given the number of hours I have already played it).

I agree, will be interesting how this bodes for the franchise in general i.e. way more console focus and taking the COD-mantle completely meaning even lower-common denominator game mechanics compared to the previous entries in the franchise.
everytime I play after having a break for a day or two, everything just feels "better". Everything looks a bit better, im noticing more etc etc, coming top of the score board most rounds. Having a right blast!

However, hardcore and fog are complete wtf terribad. I used to play bf4 pretty much exclusively on HC mode, but I don't think i'll be touching it much in bf1 unless they fix a lot of things.
Is it nearly time for me to post a "told you so!" meme? :D ;) :p

Nope. :p

Although if the twin cluster ***** of the driver/performance which was introduced this week and the rentable servers which are not really much different to an EA server* (and the appalling lack of geographical locations for servers) aren't fixed soon, then this infant game will not make it though childhood.

It was always like that in BF4 though, I'll still play but IRL stuff keep getting in the way at the moment.

I'll be on tonight for some games.

Players numbers in every game drop off, how's the division doing? That suffered from a mass exodus in players but it's still popular and being played. You think 800k are going to play this every evening?

I'll be on tonight too.

everytime I play after having a break for a day or two, everything just feels "better". Everything looks a bit better, im noticing more etc etc, coming top of the score board most rounds. Having a right blast!

However, hardcore and fog are complete wtf terribad. I used to play bf4 pretty much exclusively on HC mode, but I don't think i'll be touching it much in bf1 unless they fix a lot of things.

Anyone who thinks DICE can make a half decent hardcore mode for this game is deluded IMO. I just don't see hardcore and full spectrum warfare working unless you go full combat sim which this game isn't. Classic mode in BF4 was about the best they could really do to make it more HC but still just about working.

* Why on earth anyone would rent a server which..
-You can't ban people from
-Can't PW protect
-Can't limit the size except by choosing a small map/mode
-Can't join your *own* server if it's full
-Has no performance SLA
-Can't run custom scripts
-Can't manually kick a cheat
-Can't kick on specific trigger (certain weapon usage, glitch exploiting, Ping, KD (Often used to protect a noob server))
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I am getting so ******* sick of ******** players who are medics and dont revive. You have one primary job as a medic, heal and revive. Its not ******* rocket science. If you want to play like an assaulter then ******* pick assault. Its like playing a goddamn mmo where the healer in the group doesnt rez. He would soon get kicked out of the damn group. Stupid ******* brainless *****


TBF, I did give it 2-3 months ;) :p

jack frogs

Considering that they didn't listen to much of the feedback from youtubers at their special little events i.e. suppression, RNG/gunplay, elites etc. etc. I doubt they will care about what these youtubers complain about now.

Youtubers are nothing but companies PR boys these days and as far as EA/DICE are concerned, they have done their job.

Yep overwatch is brilliant atm

Will be giving overwatch a good blast over the weekend. I liked TF but then it went to **** with all the pay to win crap etc.

Sounds decent, I did enjoy titanfall 1 beta but it just didn't have the longevity, this one seems a bit better for that though.... I am seeing quite a few comments about people preferring titanfall 2 to battlefield 1 as well :eek:

It was always like that in BF4 though, I'll still play but IRL stuff keep getting in the way at the moment.

Eh??? :p BF 4 it was guaranteed that at least 5 of us would be on "every" night over 1-2 years and at the beginning, we would have been hammering it for at least 4 hours each night too.

And yes player numbers do drop off for every game but considering what type of game BF 1 is and the amount of players it had in the first few weeks, that is a huge drop considering that the game hasn't even been out for a full month yet. Pretty sure even BF 4 had 30-40k PC players 1-2 years down the line and that game was a disaster for the first 6-7 months.

I agree, will be interesting how this bodes for the franchise in general i.e. way more console focus and taking the COD-mantle completely meaning even lower-common denominator game mechanics compared to the previous entries in the franchise.

Personally I think things are only going to get more "casualised" with each new release, been heading that direction since BC 2 > BF 3 > BF 4/Hardline > Battlefront > BF 1 and with the EA CEO's apology about the lack of depth/content for battlefront because they wanted the game to be "accessible to people of all ages", this only confirms their market now :(
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