*** Battlefield 1 ***

got suckered into buying BF4 which killed our CQ247 and was / is dog****e, BF hardline i skipped, battlefront i skipped, not interested in anything from DICE their clueless.

Good thing Valve devs are also ****ing up csgo. Soon its time to retire from gaming :D

Still annoyed they didnt make a badass singleplayer SW Battlefront as the gfx and sounds are nice tbh. They missed the boat on that one

It wasn't all down to BF4 but it mainly was :p

I've virtually retired from gaming, lost interest, getting to old lol :D

I bet Matt will preorder it on Origin for £80 as soon as it's available :p:o:D
If it ain't WW2 I ain't interested. :D

My feelings too, sod all this futuristic stuff, got enough of that at the moment with COD etc..

WW2 all the way, I don't care about unlocks, there are plenty of weapons used in that era that can be used for unlocks etc. I want a great WW2 based story in single player/coop in frostbite 3 engine. Involving all theaters of war. Actually reproducing real events that happened in WW2. Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Britain, Battle of Berlin, Battle of Normandy. Maybe have Hitler in the game and storming the Führerbunker in Berlin. One can only wish! it'll never happen.... Multiplayer would be a bonus though.
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Nope! EA Published it, Visceral Games made it... Only thing Hardline used was Dice engine frostbite nothing else.

DICE was making Battlefront.

According to Visceral games, it was a collaboration. Obviously we don't know what level, but the fact is they were involved in it, they had a section in the credits dedicated to DICE.

Either way, Visceral/DICE it was a pile of dung.



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Battlefield Vietnam was my fav!

It’s strange I often forget how much fun I had in BF-V. Helicopter gunships with music paying unforgettable. Vet-con on mopeds and a killer sound track. I never played after BF2 PR as the old Pc was showing its age, still is. So missed BF3 & 4 and glad I did to be honest as from what I seen on twitch I don’t think the package worked.
A 2142 reboot would be great.

I mean at this moment in time they couldnt make a decent new battlefield if their jobs depended on it.
I'd be interested in a BF1943, BF2143 or a BF Vietnam 2 (even though I never played 1)... a modern military fps would be a bit disappointing... but right now I'd honestly take anything decent.
I'd be interested in a BF1943, BF2143 or a BF Vietnam 2 (even though I never played 1)... a modern military fps would be a bit disappointing... but right now I'd honestly take anything decent.

This pretty much. With BF3 and then BF4 we've had our fill of modern military battlefield games. WW2 or BF1943 would be ace.
Despite its problems I did enjoy BF4, and they certainly made improvements over time which will hopefully mean that the next version will have a reasonably smooth launch.

Either the past or the future to mix it up a bit would be nice. Given that Hardline was a slightly different setting, and they've just finished the star wars skin, I wouldn't be surprised if its back to the present again.
I'd like to see a BF 1805, I mean they already made gun play competently random in Battlefront so why not take it to the next level. Now instead of a squad or buddy you need 200 other people on your team to form a line and fire at the same time to hit something 50 feet away.

Think of all the DLC and packs they could release with all the pretty coloured uniforms people wore back then, then they could have a Sharpe themed one where you can go around shouting BASTA**! or RIFLES! at people.
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Despite its problems I did enjoy BF4, and they certainly made improvements over time which will hopefully mean that the next version will have a reasonably smooth launch.

Either the past or the future to mix it up a bit would be nice. Given that Hardline was a slightly different setting, and they've just finished the star wars skin, I wouldn't be surprised if its back to the present again.

Why do people keep saying this :confused:

Star wars Battlefront is a completely different game to BF 4/3 & hardline.... If it was just a "skin", the game would have been so much better and actually have a much larger player base on the PC than what it currently does.
I think we should take it for granted that BF will be an annual thing. I have no idea what they were thinking with Hardline, it is awful and an attempt to appeal to the console crowd and if BF5 goes down the same route then it will also be a huge flop on PC.


Hopefully the Frostbite editor in Venice Unleashed will work in BF5 because we need mod tools back.
Edit - I'm calling Bad Company 3 (Please be this and please just go back to basics. I still remember the intense enjoyment from playing Port Valdez Rush)
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What about BF1142? Can do the crusades and have customisable armour and swords, archers can have customisable tunics and fletching on arrows, cavalry can have customisable armour and horses. Can have all sorts of different classes for light both light and heavily armoured. Maybe an apothecary class can throw herbs at people, chop off limbs and mercy kill injured people :p
What about BF1142? Can do the crusades and have customisable armour and swords, archers can have customisable tunics and fletching on arrows, cavalry can have customisable armour and horses. Can have all sorts of different classes for light both light and heavily armoured. Maybe an apothecary class can throw herbs at people, chop off limbs and mercy kill injured people :p

BF-GoT - you could unlock heroes like Eddard, The Mountain and Joffery.

They can tie in all manner of big franchises with gash games!

The list in endless!
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