They still haven't patched that bloody sniper shotgun yet, seriously it's a joke.
What I hate most about is there's no counter attack to it, it's literally one-shot kill and can even take a whole team. It least with other weapons you need to have some skill but being sniped by a shotgun, the range needs to be shorter and hit boxes needs to be changed so that yes you can still do a one shot kill but it needs to be more precise.
Also operations is still unbalanced for attackers, unless your with low ranked players who have no clue how to defend. I think tickets needs to be higher, but on ballroom blitz instead of having 3 points to defend only have 2 which is A and C. Checkpoint A palace radius needs to be altered on ballroom blitz cause you literally have to be on the flag to hold practically impossible with mortars and nades and not many places to hide.
they still haven't sorted the medic revive weapon glitch, and sometimes when quitting a match it bugs out having to alt-f4