*** Battlefield 1 ***

I've been mucking about in the planes on empty servers trying to learn some flying skills , ya know flying in on a target very low and fast, but I die less after one week lol...plus its kinda fun too :).......its the same way I was learning to fly a heli on BF4
Sounds like garbled audio files, try a repair of the game maybe?

I'll give it ago thanks

first ive ever heard about that one and I'm super glad I don't get it as that's annoying as HELL lol

Its horrendous, I run out the bunker like a man possessed into a hail of bullets most of the time as its so loud as well as annoying.

Found a few reddit posts with people having the problem but doesn't seem that wide spread.

Dont know anywhere I can submit it as a bug and get a reply so I know they have seen it.
its obvious what it is it is the light swinging above your head but i would try repair on origin.to make sure.

will try that bunker later.:D
I've been getting that and its been driving me up the wall. :(

At least I'm not the only one then.

What's strange is I tried to record it with Afterburner and as soon as I hit record it fixes the sound problem. Only for it to return shortly after finishing the recording.
My FPS on Empires Edge is atrocious post patch - not sure if the patch itself is to blame or the latest Nvidia drivers, but it's really frustrating.
How annoying is the medic revive bug where you try to fire your weapon and nothing happens. Always get in the habit of switching out weapons after a revive but still catches me from time to time.
My FPS on Empires Edge is atrocious post patch - not sure if the patch itself is to blame or the latest Nvidia drivers, but it's really frustrating.

Same here on an AMD, it's just poorly optimised for a lot of systems.

funny you 2 say this as for me its usually one of the better maps for fps lol I get up to over 100fps at times but average 70fps with the occasional dip into the high 50s....mind you since the patch ive found battlefield 1 is a bit more..well..inconsistent when it comes to fps, some days it runs amazing for me and others it dosnt, theres no reason for it, the fix posted a few pages back has helped but still not perfect, everything was great before the patch
How annoying is the medic revive bug where you try to fire your weapon and nothing happens. Always get in the habit of switching out weapons after a revive but still catches me from time to time.

I had it one time where i was revived as a support and my gun was stuck in iron sights mode with the gun firing with nothing coming out of it. Switching back and forth fixed it.
Finally treated myself to BF1 despite vowing never to as I'm not really into WW1/2 games.

It's not too bad. Domination/TDM is alright but i see they have taken the worst part of BF4 and made it stupidly overpowered: shotguns. There is now even less skill required to use a shotgun.

Also not impressed with the lack of teamwork at the moment. Had a game of Domination before and I had two medics in the squad who spent more time picking their nose than doing anything useful.
funny you 2 say this as for me its usually one of the better maps for fps lol I get up to over 100fps at times but average 70fps with the occasional dip into the high 50s....mind you since the patch ive found battlefield 1 is a bit more..well..inconsistent when it comes to fps, some days it runs amazing for me and others it dosnt, theres no reason for it, the fix posted a few pages back has helped but still not perfect, everything was great before the patch

Mine dips to the mid 40's :-(
No idea what FPS I'm getting ?......but the game is getting a tad boring with the whole laggy issue going on, plus the issue with clicking on a flag and ending up in the middle of nowhere as one also does when clicking on a tank or plane.

If it wasnt for the fact someone got me the Whole game ...I probably delete it.
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just finished benching with a i7 [email protected] and a 970 gtx at 1080/1440/4k

min max avg 64 man rain on scar.in action.60 sec bench runs.

will do 1070 gtx next


everything low or off mesh ultra as most play

Avg: 150.917 - Min: 123 - Max: 174

1080 ultra settings

Avg: 95.417 - Min: 70 - Max: 130

1440 Max settings

Avg: 83.783 - Min: 69 - Max: 113


all low or off mesh ultra

Avg: 55.800 - Min: 45 - Max: 73

4k maxxed

Avg: 47.500 - Min: 39 - Max: 55

so you dont need a mega fast gpu really as long as you got a modern i7 cpu.

970 gtx will handle game fine upto 1440.even ultra.unless you wanting high fps hz match up.which 1080 is the sweet spot for the 970/980/290/390/480
Any decent guides for flying planes in this, i'm useless on both M&KB and controller, can barely stay in the air for more than a minute. :(

As with Battlefield 4, mapping pitch up to space bar helps a tonne. Mouse can then be used for refinement. Once I did this I was racking up kills with the attack plane. Those infantry bombs are fantastic!

Only thing I'm struggling with is dog fighting. No matter how many times I get the drop on an enemy their gunner always nails me :(
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