*** Battlefield 1 ***

Is this in any shape or form going to be like Battlefront/Hardline. Where there are a few classes, with a total of 10 arse weapons in the game. And that's it?
Please folks, don't pre-order until you have had chance to judge the game yourself in the open beta. You have nothing to lose by waiting! ;)

(Just remember to join BF insider to get your beta invite)

BTW this why you shouldn't pre-order (Yes I know it's COD not BF, but the sentiment is the same).

In response to the terrible reaction to the COD IW trailer..
"The fact is, while it's very early, pre-orders are off to a very strong start," CEO Eric Hirshberg said in an earnings call with investors.

If this is not proof that the only thing the publishers are listening to is the sound of the cash till, not the wishes of the community, then I don't know what is!
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There is no point in pre-ordering, it is completely and utterly pointless...

Also, don't even pre-order if you like the beta, why:

- bf 3 alpha/beta was superb, come release, pile of ****, took months to fix and they still didn't get rid of the awful blue filter that wasn't present in the alpha...

- bf 4 alpha/beta was superb (after the miracle patch), come release, was an even bigger pile of **** with all the awful server crashes amongst hundreds of other bugs

- hardline alpha/beta were fun and the developers did what the majority wanted, come release, game was ****, the netcode was awful and developers weren't anywhere to be seen with the constant begging to change the TTK and fix the OP ROF weapons... by the time they did anything, it was too late, the game was flat line (ba dum tss)

- battlefront alpha/beta, they didn't listen to what the majority wanted and instead with all the moans about the empire being too OP, they went the other way with final release i.e. rebels were too OP then

Is this in any shape or form going to be like Battlefront/Hardline. Where there are a few classes, with a total of 10 arse weapons in the game. And that's it?

No one on here can say with 100% certainty what it will be like.

But there will be heroes in the game...

Personally I think it is going to be very similar to battlefront, at least in terms of some of the basic game systems i.e. the gadget/card, pickups and arcadey flying controls. Hope I am completely wrong though...
I've ended up getting every other BF game recently, can't really see this being any different.

I'm a sucker for EA/Dice "game engine footage" videos.

But but but...the pre-order bonus is 'mazeballs!
I've ended up getting every other BF game recently, can't really see this being any different.

I'm a sucker for EA/Dice "game engine footage" videos.

But but but...the pre-order bonus is 'mazeballs!

And it will still be the same pre-order bonus after the beta ;)
No one on here can say with 100% certainty what it will be like.

But there will be heroes in the game...

Personally I think it is going to be very similar to battlefront, at least in terms of some of the basic game systems i.e. the gadget/card, pickups and arcadey flying controls. Hope I am completely wrong though...

I'm guessing that the card mechanic will not be in BF1, but potentially OP pickups have a precedent in BF4, m32 MGL on metro for instance. Flying will probably be arcadey though.
Heros I could live with in specific game modes, but the thought of trying to chase someone down in conquest during infantry combat to discover at the last moment they ran round the corner and picked up the equivalent of quake's quad damage and a suit of armor makes me worry.
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Unless the beta really impresses me and day 1 release isn't a huge **** up, I will hold of for a few days/week, not doing what happened with battlefront again i.e. the ronku ocuk whores:

"yeah it is REALLY good and amazing fun"

"been up to 4am playing it"

"so many epic moments"

Come the day Josh and I get it, you lot stop playing 3-4 days later

I've pre-ordered it Josh, you might as well, we'll all be playing it, you know we will

Nope, nothing, this sarcasm detector has to go. :p

We'll all probably end up getting it, but IMO it sends the wrong message to DICE and EA if we all jump on the pre-order bandwagon based on very limited and carefully presented pieces of real information.

If they do start giving out real detail then maybe I'll change my mind

Unless the beta really impresses me and day 1 release isn't a huge **** up, I will hold of for a few days/week, not doing what happened with battlefront again i.e. the ronku ocuk whores:

"yeah it is REALLY good and amazing fun"

"been up to 4am playing it"

"so many epic moments"

Come the day Josh and I get it, you lot stop playing 3-4 days later


Nexus 4 XFactor 4 evar! :p

I tried to carry on playing it, but TBH the game seemed more balanced with the more limited weapon/perk set we had in the beta. And trying to squad up in a game that supports squads of 2 players and doesn't allow you to chose a server made it hard.
Hazard go snitch to whoever it is that you snitch to so the first person who pre orders this game gets their forum rank is changed to "EA's slave" along with a 'suitable' avatar.


And the snitch master that Randall reports to would be Stu :p

Nexus 4 XFactor 4 evar! :p

I tried to carry on playing it, but TBH the game seemed more balanced with the more limited weapon/perk set we had in the beta. And trying to squad up in a game that supports squads of 2 players and doesn't allow you to chose a server made it hard.

Will the real xfactor please stand up ;) :p :D

Yup, that was the real killer for us, squad limited to 2 and no server browser...

Oh and of course the DL-44 :p
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