*** Battlefield 1 ***

Premium was on special so will be playing for the first time in over 6 months. First BF game since 1942 that I got bored of playing. Hence why I never paid full price for premium. Hope it is better now.
Lag was non existant yesterday hope they have it fixed now. Hows the EU servers now? i may try and join you guys again if im not rubberbanding all over the place with 700 pings.
I'm loving the Ribeyrolles at the moment, find both that & the Chauchat really satisfying to use despite their small magazines - Obrez is nasty too, got some hilarious kills with it yesterday.

I've made a note of the Discord details so will hop in next time I'm online.
I'm loving the Ribeyrolles at the moment, find both that & the Chauchat really satisfying to use despite their small magazines - Obrez is nasty too, got some hilarious kills with it yesterday.

I've made a note of the Discord details so will hop in next time I'm online.

I find guns can work great one game and be useless the next. Jumped on last last sniping and happily mowing people down. Next game I couldn't get a hit on a few people that were lying prone with only their head showing. Twice more with a pistol same thing happened just wouldn't register the hit.

Game still has some issues where I end up feeling like I am running through treacle, again not all the time.

A good few games but I must have the wrong discord set up as no one was there :o
I find guns can work great one game and be useless the next. Jumped on last last sniping and happily mowing people down. Next game I couldn't get a hit on a few people that were lying prone with only their head showing. Twice more with a pistol same thing happened just wouldn't register the hit.

Game still has some issues where I end up feeling like I am running through treacle, again not all the time.

A good few games but I must have the wrong discord set up as no one was there :o

Definitely found both good and bad servers this weekend. The good ones were fun though and against tough opponents.
Discord link is in this thread btw: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/ocuk-unofficial-discord-channel.18712831/

I managed one game of incursions this weekend. After several attempts to get into a game where people didn't ready up or quit when they didn't get the kit they wanted, ended up on a team with some guy called Lossy who is apparently well known. I played as the trench medic (rather badly as I'm not used to the autoloading 8 .25), think I went 3/7 or something, but tried my best to revive the other squad members. Anyway it was a flawless victory for the squad which was made easier by 2 of the opposition quitting before 1/2 time. I think rage quitting is going to be a big issue.
The servers are very changeable. Just when you think that it's all going well, the dreaded lag starts when you next log on to play.
Some of them are just completely unplayable - leaping around, jerky actions, running through the same door over and over again, and then trying to get over a wall! what a joke.
I did tyr Incursions once but it took a while to get in a game, then only 5 minutes in I didn't quit, but I somewhat randomly left the game! Tried again and too many on opposing team quit making it pointless. Honestly don't see how they can make it work after they (DICE) killed off most of the community that would have had servers running this sort of game mode.
The servers are very changeable. Just when you think that it's all going well, the dreaded lag starts when you next log on to play.
Some of them are just completely unplayable - leaping around, jerky actions, running through the same door over and over again, and then trying to get over a wall! what a joke.

Are you crazy , jumping walls ?

Try destroying a tank as assault, it is even worse :)
I find guns can work great one game and be useless the next. Jumped on last last sniping and happily mowing people down. Next game I couldn't get a hit on a few people that were lying prone with only their head showing. Twice more with a pistol same thing happened just wouldn't register the hit.

Game still has some issues where I end up feeling like I am running through treacle, again not all the time.

A good few games but I must have the wrong discord set up as no one was there :o
Yeah I'm sure tonight it'll be back to firing BB's at people again :rolleyes:
checked out the hardcore servers again earlier and theres a few out there that have the same/similar settings to BF4 hardcore mode..

the higher bullet damage makes a huge difference and no longer needs a full clip to take someone down! :D
checked out the hardcore servers again earlier and theres a few out there that have the same/similar settings to BF4 hardcore mode..

the higher bullet damage makes a huge difference and no longer needs a full clip to take someone down! :D

I don't think I have played HC mode in BF1, in my head snipers would be insane?

Also still rubber banding last night part way through a map :( It was really bad as well.
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Yeah had some horrible lag last night, especially on Suez - literally had to reload my gun about 4 times before it gave me any ammo.

I miss dedicated servers :(
I don't think I have played HC mode in BF1, in my head snipers would be insane?

Also still rubber banding last night part way through a map :( It was really bad as well.

Well i think the snipers are OHK in hardcore but at certain ranges they are in normal mode too so..
but tbh i think you get about the same amount of snipers in both, depending on the map ofcourse

i tend to stay out of the open when possible too so i dont get sniped often, i just like not needing to empty a full clip to take someone down.. makes the game feel much better imo
So I just got the new expansion, didn't wait in the end. Maps are excellent and look incredible. Lag is sorted too and I don't seem to be getting the horrendous frame time jitters.

EDIT: I am really enjoying the maps, decent balance, nice pace, unreal visuals. Much better than the last DLC and to be honest much better than many of the BF4/BF3 DLCs
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Latest CTE Patch notes are up:

Hello CTE community! We are expecting to release a new CTE build on the 29th of September for PC and the on the 2nd of October for consoles. Please see this link for release timings: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldcl...000&p1=239&p2=137&p3=179&p4=240&p5=248&p6=136

We have been monitoring server performance since the hot fix as well as going through the data that you have been sending us. Based on this we and have done further server optimizations that we think will further improve the gameplay experience in terms of reduced lag and rubber banding. Our internal tests have so far shown promising results, but to properly stress our servers we will need your help to fill the servers. We would appreciate if you all could take the time to join us as we put as much load on the server as possible, as we need around 500 real players to fully stress the systems. Micro updates on the release will be available on twitter as we approach the date and time for the release here: @JaqubAjmal

This build also contains other fixes, please see our patch notes once we officially release it to all our players but here is a small selection of fixes that will be available in the CTE build starting the 29th of September:

  • Fixed issues where Soldier Assignment progress was not being displayed properly.
  • Increased Tripwire - HE blast damage from 80 to 85, enough to score an Assist Counts As Kill against an enemy with the Flak specialization.
  • Both gunners of Ilya Muromets now show hit markers when hitting enemy players.
  • The Assault Truck's sensitivity is now affected by sensitivity options.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players in a squad spawning in a plane controlled by a squad member if it was outside of the combat area used for soldiers.
  • Removed elite pickups from Domination.
  • Removed elite pickups from TDM.
  • Turning the motion blur system off entirely when the video options motion blur amount is set to 0% which gains some graphics performance.
  • Added options to turn off the chromatic aberration
  • Players will now be unable to exploit the request order at the end of a round in order to become squad leader in the next round.
Thank you for your continued support and patience!

/The teams at Electronic Arts and DICE
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