*** Battlefield 1 ***

It was frustrating trying to join last night, most things didn't work. But in fairness, it always feels slightly random how you can join to me. In a party, through Origin, platoon join, that backspace one that sometimes works but often doesn't, joining separately... But usually the options are there, it is just the buttons that do not work. Last night they even took away the buttons... I have Premium, I want my buttons!
I should be about tonight, might watch TWD before then be on about 8ish.

Where were ya man?
gg's much salt.
Anarchy team switching us, when we were at ~850 for 650 and the behemoth was down, was a new low for me. No way we could come back and it was largely us that had won it for our team. Cheating IMO.
Up community was a blast, much ace squad :)
gg's but my aim was all over the place. One game I was 18-1 after only taking a few flags then the remainder of the game I struggled like hell ! Ended up running around as medic as it was about the only useful thing I could do :o (Waylander was on fire that round!)

Couldn't get on discord (if you were all on) as wife was in bed ill. Trying not to shout at my monitor took some serious effort :D:p
Was not on. :(

sorry. Was planning on it, until the wife decided to put a hole through my brand new wardrobe, 20 minutes after she decided to take a huge chunk out of a newly painted wall :mad::mad:


Lets just say we've not spoken since, and last night was not a pleasant evening. Women. Will be on tonight for sure.
Was on yesterday and good grief just kept putting me on team stupid. Snipers doing nothing camping next to flags while they were been capped by the other team!

One good game out of about 4 and it was a big comeback (we had the train !) when someone else joined on me and we managed to get a good squad going playing together.

Other than that complete rage inducing ****
Was on yesterday and good grief just kept putting me on team stupid.

This is punishment for PTFO. DICE refer to it as balance.

Seriously though, I find that servers where the majority of players have a clue are the best servers. It does mean that wins are hard fought, but not because you're carrying team stupid, but because you're on a good team playing against a good team.
Smashing a round on a server where the most of the natives are clueless tends to result in any player with a clue being put on the opposite team to you in the next round (especially if there's a squad of you) which means that the rest of your team will be completely brain dead.
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im after some knowledge please gents and ladies.

i have issues with bf1 playing online, now i havent tried other online games myself but my boys play online during the day on their ps4s.

I have attached an image of tonights BF1 attempt in the last hour and although whne i check via tab the ping is say 22 ish, the latency seems to be jumping all over the place.


The yellow spikes on the graph seem extreme to me? (from just before 8 until end of graph) i seem to die from out of know where or even though i shoot first i always end up dead it seems.
However there is the odd night where i game and do very well, much better in fact. Now is this a latency issue from my provider, is it the problem or is it something else.
My connection here is very limited 6 down just under 1 up stream, i make sure everything is not connected to wifi etc and im the only one online when i game.

thoughts please?
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im after some knowledge please gents and ladies.

i have issues with bf1 playing online, now i havent tried other online games myself but my boys play online during the day on their ps4s.

I have attached an image of tonights BF1 attempt in the last hour and although whne i check via tab the ping is say 22 ish, the latency seems to be jumping all over the place.


The yellow spikes on the graph seem extreme to me? (from just before 8 until end of graph) i seem to die from out of know where or even though i shoot first i always end up dead it seems.
However there is the odd night where i game and do very well, much better in fact. Now is this a latency issue from my provider, is it the problem or is it something else.
My connection here is very limited 6 down just under 1 up stream, i make sure everything is not connected to wifi etc and im the only one online when i game.

thoughts please?

Virgin Media?
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