Welcome to the platoon. I'm sure I remember reviving you a number of times last nightCan someone add me "Brickhazard". Been playing BF games since 1942.
im after some knowledge please gents and ladies.
i have issues with bf1 playing online, now i havent tried other online games myself but my boys play online during the day on their ps4s.
I have attached an image of tonights BF1 attempt in the last hour and although whne i check via tab the ping is say 22 ish, the latency seems to be jumping all over the place.
The yellow spikes on the graph seem extreme to me? (from just before 8 until end of graph) i seem to die from out of know where or even though i shoot first i always end up dead it seems.
However there is the odd night where i game and do very well, much better in fact. Now is this a latency issue from my provider, is it the problem or is it something else.
My connection here is very limited 6 down just under 1 up stream, i make sure everything is not connected to wifi etc and im the only one online when i game.
thoughts please?
I was having huge lag spikes myself last night, game just freezing for a second or two mid combat. Not had that before, so I assumed it was just VM as no on else was moaning.