*** Battlefield 1 ***

Gotta finish the wrapping and build an art desk so should be on around 6-7ish/after dinner, providing the long haired general allows it.
Yep 15 mins

Edit. Looks like Origin having problems again tonight, I've got no friends list or chat available, just saying offline.
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God how I have missed bf 4!

BF 1 fun in squad but my god, bf 4 just so much better, you just don't get the same BF feels in bf 1 as you do in bf 4:

1. in a tank and taking on their entire team, the mbt law roof top warriors, the c4 rushers, oh how I have missed you!
2. ace 23!
3. the gun recoil and spread, hip fire a big no no, not to mention holding LMB down = HELL NO
4. the maps, great variety and fun
5. Also, the chat seems a lot more salty too :D
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