*** Battlefield 1 ***

I was excited until I heard it was WW1. I hate those games with the rubbish wooden guns! Hopefully it will be totally unrealistic and exciting.

watch the videos.

Reddit is full of people moaning about how unrealistic it is and un authentic.

Its just like every other battlefield game but with stuff that looks like its from WWI.

THere's even people on reddit proposing rollplay servers where you're only allowed to use one weapon, one class, one outfit, no vehicles, not allowed to run, no melee weapons and they'll ban anybody that doens't follow the rules. morons

thankfully the game looks like it will be just as much fun as other BF games.
Ur 21:9 is crap nexus.. Not much dif from 1080p

Go 3440x1440 or buy a ps4

haha, I actually am tempted to get a PS 4 just for the exclusive spiderman game :D

I came from a 16.9 1920x1080P 23" and this 29" 2560x1080 is way better, largely because it is 21.9 :p

3440x1440 is nice but too demanding, I rather have higher FPS and higher graphic settings (regardless of sync tech) over higher PPI/res./sharpness.
If you select 4k here, you can watch the footage without all the normal Youtube compression:

Keep in mind it's still regular 1080p footage and only upscaled to 4k, as Youtube uses less compression on 4k video playback.

Also not sure if anybody has talked about it before, but there's gonna be a new mode called Operations that might well be more what those wanting a more authentic experience are looking for:

In Operations, players will have “the opportunity to fight a sequence of inter-connected battles.” A blog post on the Battlefield website outlines that Operations “offer epic journeys across several maps based upon real battles of World War I.” DICE says that this adds a new layer of scale and variety to battles.

Attackers are tasked with pressing forward and capturing positions on a map. Once they capture all the necessary points on a map, the defenders will fall back and regroup on a different map.

The blog post adds that the team wanted to create “something epic and compelling for players who wanted a chance to immerse themselves in this first global war, and capture the stories of how different battles were deeply connected to one another.”

Sounds really good to me. I also read elsewhere that you'll actually be able to see the battleground for the next map in the distance while playing.

I'm also really liking watching the footage so far. It's still Battlefield, but the atmosphere, gameplay and sound and spectacle are all really top notch.
watch the videos.

Reddit is full of people moaning about how unrealistic it is and un authentic.

Its just like every other battlefield game but with stuff that looks like its from WWI.

THere's even people on reddit proposing rollplay servers where you're only allowed to use one weapon, one class, one outfit, no vehicles, not allowed to run, no melee weapons and they'll ban anybody that doens't follow the rules. morons

thankfully the game looks like it will be just as much fun as other BF games.

I don't understand these people, were they really expecting a realistic Battlefield game? I've been impressed by the footage so far and I'm looking forward to trying the beta.
Can't watch it at work, but my understanding is that default server tickrate for BF1 was going to be 60Hz which will be great *if* the server providers provide fast enough hardware, but a disaster if they don't. 64 player 60Hz servers on under provisioned hardware is a packet loss and lag fest nightmare. On a decent server though it's bliss.
Can't watch it at work, but my understanding is that default server tickrate for BF1 was going to be 60Hz which will be great *if* the server providers provide fast enough hardware, but a disaster if they don't. 64 player 60Hz servers on under provisioned hardware is a packet loss and lag fest nightmare. On a decent server though it's bliss.

Thing is you don't even need 60Hz update rate or horrid hacks like high frequency cones (though for a BF type game some kind of area of relevance type system is probably needed) if you do your networking right in the first place :S many older games - even with a lot going on - ran at 20-30Hz and you only get close to the same level of responsiveness in BF4 at 120Hz (and even then there is still far too much weirdness with the way damage is rolled up in backwards reconciliation - hence why shotguns are so powerful as there is a far bigger range of time where they essentially over-ride all other damage due to the way the game tries to tie everything together).

Ooops getting dangerously close to a rant there.

EDIT: On the flipside most of the videos I've seen of BF1 so far tend to indicate the "netcode" won't be too sloppy out the box though you can't tell from a video if they've nailed the nitty gritty low level feel of it or not.
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I don't understand these people, were they really expecting a realistic Battlefield game? I've been impressed by the footage so far and I'm looking forward to trying the beta.

Yea all good.
some people cant differ between reality and games and fun

Hitreg and tickrate

Improved from the get go then.
seems dice picking up some slack at last

Look forward oct 21 :)
Used to play UT at 200hz update rate which great great reg. The lower the tickrate the less info the server has to work with.

Why would you want more RNG?

My point being in that context that UT at 200Hz would completely annihilate BF at 200Hz for the quality of experience and infact UT at even say 60Hz would probably be a more consistent experience than BF at 200Hz.
bottom line is that the gamers don't care if the Frostbite engine needs 60hz to achieve what the source engine can achieve with 30hz.

As long as you don't die round corners, your bullets register and you don't get constant trade kills, everybody will be happy.
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