*** Battlefield 1 ***

1 Jun 2006
i cant believe dice will fix that ever.

the dieing round corners or net code is just kind of built into their system :p

now if they could make bf games with dirty bomb reg :cool:i would be in heaven.

every bullet fired on target hits.registers.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
Can't have your cake and eat it.

Games with the best hit reg just use hitscan. Battlefield models bullet drop over distance etc.. which is probably why their system will never be as good. Most other games don't do this for a reason.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Can't have your cake and eat it.

Games with the best hit reg just use hitscan. Battlefield models bullet drop over distance etc.. which is probably why their system will never be as good. Most other games don't do this for a reason.

While bullets modelled as projectiles has some implications the problem goes far deeper than that - the whole way damage updates are rolled up and whether a hit is validated or not relies far too much on the clients in BF games rather than more typically where the server uses a certain amount of dead reckoning to reduce the impact from high latency clients, etc.

To try and illustrate it i.e. take the scenario:

Player 1 runs around a corner and on their screen puts enough bullets into player 2 to kill them on their screen.

Player 2 reacts to player 1 and fires their shotgun on their screen just before player 1 could have killed them.

In COD4 the server sees the shotgun shot as being a fraction after enough bullets him the player to kill them, player 2 might moan a bit about hit reg but knows player 1 got the jump on them really.

In BF4 the server compromises, player 2 takes about half the damage they should, player 2's shotgun blast is validated and hence kills player 1, player 1 (i.e. me) moans about hit reg because on their screen they blatantly did enough to kill player 2 and everyone moans about shotguns in BF4.

Increasing the update rate in BF helps to reduce the chance of this but it needs massive increases to come even close to the same experience as in other game's network models.
4 Jun 2009
Only **** players with **** aim blame "netcode" all the time :p

Some people must have AWFUL internet as others on here can attest to, my internet is poor at times and I never notice all these "netcode" issues and I go all the way back to quake/cs too.... Yes BF is not a patch on them in terms of "netcode", hit reg. whatever you want to call it but it certainly is nowhere as bad as what people make it out to be especially on the higher tick rate servers.

I think a lot of people confuse netcode/hit reg. with gun mechanics i.e. bullet velocity, drop, spread etc. Battlefield 3 was particularly bad as when suppressed, your bullets went everywhere except where your sight/scope was.

With the ways things are currently in bf 1 i.e. random deviation on your bullets even when tap firing and guns getting more accurate the longer the button is held down, far slower bullet velocity which increases over distance etc. etc. I can see lots of people blaming "netcode" and not fully understanding how the new gun mechanics work.

Also, another thing, which a lot of people might be confusing "bad netcode" with are invisible walls/textures, plenty of youtube videos on this.

The only time myself and the 10+ others on TS/discord ever bring up hit reg. and netcode is when we all experience lag and rubber banding and when that happens, we leave and join a new server and the netcode/hit reg. is back to being good.

There is only one thing which I always have issues with and that is tank shells + tv missiles dusting on aircraft. Yes there have been a few occasions where I shoot someone and get no reg. but see the blood, however, out of about 1300 hours (excluding the first 6 or so months where netcode was utter ****), I can count on one hand those occasions.
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20 Nov 2013
Only **** players with **** aim blame "netcode" all the time :p

Some people must have AWFUL internet as others on here can attest to, my internet is poor at times and I never notice all these "netcode" issues and I go all the way back to quake/cs too.... Yes BF is not a patch on them in terms of "netcode", hit reg. whatever you want to call it but it certainly is nowhere as bad as what people make it out to be especially on the higher tick rate servers.

I think a lot of people confuse netcode/hit reg. with gun mechanics i.e. bullet velocity, drop, spread etc. Battlefield 3 was particularly bad as when suppressed, your bullets went everywhere except where your sight/scope was.

With the ways things are currently in bf 1 i.e. random deviation on your bullets even when tap firing and guns getting more accurate the longer the button is held down, far slower bullet velocity which increases over distance etc. etc. I can see lots of people blaming "netcode" and not fully understanding how the new gun mechanics work.

Also, another thing, which a lot of people might be confusing "bad netcode" with are invisible walls/textures, plenty of youtube videos on this.

The only time myself and the 10+ others on TS/discord ever bring up hit reg. and netcode is when we all experience lag and rubber banding and when that happens, we leave and join a new server and the netcode/hit reg. is back to being good.

There is only one thing which I always have issues with and that is tank shells + tv missiles dusting on aircraft. Yes there have been a few occasions where I shoot someone and get no reg. but see the blood, however, out of about 1300 hours (excluding the first 6 or so months where netcode was utter ****), I can count on one hand those occasions.

I'm sorry but do you have many years of playing FPS? From when Doom first came out? If not, then I'm afraid you don't know what you're on about.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Only **** players with **** aim blame "netcode" all the time :p

Some people must have AWFUL internet as others on here can attest to, my internet is poor at times and I never notice all these "netcode" issues and I go all the way back to quake/cs too.... Yes BF is not a patch on them in terms of "netcode", hit reg. whatever you want to call it but it certainly is nowhere as bad as what people make it out to be especially on the higher tick rate servers.

I think a lot of people confuse netcode/hit reg. with gun mechanics i.e. bullet velocity, drop, spread etc. Battlefield 3 was particularly bad as when suppressed, your bullets went everywhere except where your sight/scope was.

With the ways things are currently in bf 1 i.e. random deviation on your bullets even when tap firing and guns getting more accurate the longer the button is held down, far slower bullet velocity which increases over distance etc. etc. I can see lots of people blaming "netcode" and not fully understanding how the new gun mechanics work.

Also, another thing, which a lot of people might be confusing "bad netcode" with are invisible walls/textures, plenty of youtube videos on this.

The only time myself and the 10+ others on TS/discord ever bring up hit reg. and netcode is when we all experience lag and rubber banding and when that happens, we leave and join a new server and the netcode/hit reg. is back to being good.

There is only one thing which I always have issues with and that is tank shells + tv missiles dusting on aircraft. Yes there have been a few occasions where I shoot someone and get no reg. but see the blood, however, out of about 1300 hours (excluding the first 6 or so months where netcode was utter ****), I can count on one hand those occasions.

One aspect that I find people blame on "netcode" in BF4 is the spread (and suppression) mechanics - suppression especially can be a bit poorly fed back now visually which can have people blaming "netcode" when they use the visual feedback to place their next shot when infact their bullets are going waaay off even worse than the client side visual effect appears to show.

The effect of bullet velocity/drop is sometimes misunderstood especially by newer players but something I'm pretty aware of if you look at my videos you can see me compensating for it.

Won't say my aim is amazing but its pretty fair and I've been playing online since the original quake mp with 1000s of hours in everything in between like COD, etc. so I have a good idea when I "should" be hitting or not.

I've largely had an excellent connection for gaming - currently on 80/20 fibre with generally sub 7ms ping, pretty much non-existent packetloss and jitter, etc. and most of the time I'm playing there is only my gaming PC utilising that connection and BF4 isn't even close to the experience I have in say quake 3/live where it is basically like playing on LAN - one aspect I've not managed to eliminate is the built in QoS on the BT supplied modem could be not playing nice with BF games as compared to other games (which often just have a connection to the server listen port and maybe 1 other) they tend to use a fair few connections, etc. often with a dozen or so active connections to origin services alone. Don't really want to spend money replacing the modem unless I'm sure it is that as everything else works fine. (EDIT: Even if there is some truth to that which is degrading my experience in BF games doesn't change that fundamentally the way it works in BF is less than ideal).
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4 Jun 2009
I'm sorry but do you have many years of playing FPS? From when Doom first came out? If not, then I'm afraid you don't know what you're on about.

Played doom too, hated it :p

I was never a big fan of MP shooters especially "arena" shooters tbh until BF and even then I wasn't as into it back then as I am now. BC 2 changed FPS MP gaming for me completely.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
With all this netcode talk let me guess, it's the Ronku whore claiming the game has the best netcode ever whilst playing in a LAN environment?

To be fair even in a LAN environment to a degree you can feel the difference - BF compromises far too much between what each different client in the equation is telling it and that might sound like a good idea on paper to find a balanced centre point but in reality those who aren't particularly sensitive or bothered about "netcode" or play in a style that has a higher tolerance for it won't notice the difference and those that play in a style that is more demanding on the "netcode" or have a lower tolerance for it will notice the problems even more so.

There is a similar mentality with how latency is handled overall - the way it works makes it a little tiny bit better for those that are already having a poor experience anyhow at the expense of everyone - while it sucks for those trying to play on a 2G connection from the middle of the arctic or whatever but they aren't going to have a great experience anyhow so might as well make it the best it can be for those on ok connections.
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25 Nov 2011
I bet you've pre-ordered the ultra magic edition direct from Origin :D

Hand delivered by Patrick "Gandolf" Bach himself.

Amen brother Joe! :cool:


DICE are the bomb


To be fair even in a LAN environment

I'd heard BF3/4 LAN felt so much better....up until the game crashed and so on.
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