*** Battlefield 1 ***

16 Jun 2009
I presume you get insane scores in bf games then? I.e. consistently getting MVP, 3+ kdr etc. Etc.

I presume you can take on the top jet players and go on a 50+ kill streak?

I presume you are an insane heli pilot?

I presume you can shoot aircraft across the map with tank shells, RPGs etc.

I presume you can play aggressive sniper really well I.e. drag shots and sniping players out of below?

Since there is no skill to bf 4 after all....

Yes it isn't all about skill but more so tactics.

At the end of the day, the only people I ever see saying bf has no skill are the **** players tbh who get downed within 5 mins when in a tank or get rekt by someone with a pistol when they are using an assault rifle.

And yes I don't want a realistic shooter like arma and I don't want a corridor shooter like cod and I don't want a fps game with an insane skill ceiling I.e. CS, that is what battlefield is for, a game that fits between all those and it does the job just fine.

People who've decided BF4 wasn't the BF2 MW remake they wanted are going to bash the game and not play it. I know full well BF4 is a game of skill and it takes mastery. The best players take less time to get it than the average player like me, but there is a clear skill gap between the practiced player and the newbie.

I'm with you on BF4, that's why I've devoted 1300hours into "gettin gud" ;)

The hold the trigger for longer to improve your aim does sound like it will favour the skilless to me.

If you ask me overall though, BF1 looks like it's going to play a lot like BF4.
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29 Jan 2007
This will be like any other game in the bf series.the beta will be spot on.hit reg.fps.but once the actual game is released it be case one patch after another you clearly see in that previous vid issues still present in the game.
From what i can see
Vehicle phyics...
Lmg bullet spread
Character auto motion.jumping wall.opening doors.auto knife animation.
Lack of variety in weapons

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
This will be like any other game in the bf series.the beta will be spot on.hit reg.fps.but once the actual game is released it be case one patch after another you clearly see in that previous vid issues still present in the game.
From what i can see
Vehicle phyics...
Lmg bullet spread
Character auto motion.jumping wall.opening doors.auto knife animation.
Lack of variety in weapons


That is my worry and why I won't be buying BF1 - I bought BF4 because after a long time of not buying EA or Dice games the beta for BF4 wasn't too terrible - some issues but nothing unexpected for a beta - nothing you wouldn't normally see get fixed before release... and then there was the release :|
4 Jun 2009
More like an Unknown vs Public Server Potato Farmer :eek:

I did ESL world cup twice, once for you so! :D :p

Also don't forget that time I caused a couple of your "pro" team members to rage quit on lockers, especially that juilous guy :D They couldn't handle my AEK swag :p

No interest in competitive these days, lost count of the amount of times I have been asked by people to tank etc. for them, I don't want to do "serious" games where there is responsibility and you have to do practice **** etc. + I don't like pressure! I just play games for the fun and well yeah to cause rage quits ;) :p I actually find that when you take games seriously, you are more likely to do worse.

People who've decided BF4 wasn't the BF2 MW remake they wanted are going to bash the game and not play it. I know full well BF4 is a game of skill and it takes mastery. The best players take less time to get it than the average player like me, but there is a clear skill gap between the practiced player and the newbie.

I'm with you on BF4, that's why I've devoted 1300hours into "gettin gud" ;)

The hold the trigger for longer to improve your aim does sound like it will favour the skilless to me.

If you ask me overall though, BF1 looks like it's going to play a lot like BF4.

Yup it is amusing, for all these people who think it has no skill, I would love to see their profile and some battle reports, yes stats aren't everything and I am a big advocate of this especially k/d but lets just put it this way, I rather have someone who goes 40+, tons of MVP ribbons with tons of flags captured and more importantly defended on my team than someone in the bottom half of the leaderboard with 3-15 deaths i.e. the l33t snipers who think they can turn around a match by sitting on the roof.

The fact that you, myself and most of the other regulars on here have got over 1000 hours shows that there is a skill ceiling to the game. Look at all the games that have a skill ceiling, people have over a thousand hours in those games where as look at the likes of battlefront, titan fall, hardline where there is little to no skill ceiling, you would be lucky to find someone with at least 500 hours in those games, if that...

Yes depth of a game has a large play on longevity but a skill ceiling is just as important.

Usually I don't go on about people being **** but it has hit the point where they need to be put in their place tbph :p

No different to all those people who rant in game chat box about vehicle whores.... well yeah you are playing an infantry AND vehicle based game on a big open vehicle based game mode


And yes, I am looking forward to bf 1 as it should be more or less the same as EVERY other BF game and the change in warfare should change things up nicely, the funny thing is, the game actually looks closest to BC 2 "overall"!

However, I am not looking forward to ******** that caters to skill-less noobs that can't take the time to learn how to perform best with a certain gun. I like what DICE are doing with the guns and their strengths + weaknesses a lot though i.e. SMG being superb up close but **** at medium/long range.

Or you can run around with MAA, UCAV, shotgun, LVG, even mortar to some extent, etc. pad your stats out like a madman without ever really being challenged unless you happen to run into a group that is working together (at which point these people find another server often).

EDIT: My point being BF4 has the tools to allow just about any player to work around any level of skill so I can kind of see where some might come from - if you take it to the extreme with everyone levelling the game with those tool there wouldn't be much applied skill.

TBF, even the AA requires some skill, well more tactics as against a good heli pilot or even jet, those aircraft guys will rekt "decent" aa whores, however, a good AA driver can take out these jet/heli pros with ease if they have better tactics and this is without the noob activ radar missiles.

Well yes, there are gadgets/weapons like those that cater to the people for their play styles but the people who put in the time to get good with certain weapons/vehicles are going to do far better than those people and most importantly actually help to win the game. With regards to guns, from my own experience, the m16 was the go to weapon for the vast majority but people who learned to master the AEK actually did better than the m16 users

Vehicles aren't so much about skill tbh but more tactics especially tank play.

This will be like any other game in the bf series.the beta will be spot on.hit reg.fps.but once the actual game is released it be case one patch after another you clearly see in that previous vid issues still present in the game.
From what i can see
Vehicle phyics...
Lmg bullet spread
Character auto motion.jumping wall.opening doors.auto knife animation.
Lack of variety in weapons


But but but.... what about the people who MUST pre-order as soon as possible after seeing epic trailers and game play videos by non-biased people!!!!

Honestly though, I will be shocked if bf 1 is a disaster on launch, EA/DICE can't have another flop like bf 3 and 4 on release especially when they have gone to such extremes with regards to marketing/advertising the game and then we have battlefront and hardline (visceral but using frostbite) which had no serious issues on launch.
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16 Jun 2009
LOL was aa on Zavod recently; Our team was being stacked against. Repeatedly cleared the sky, took their lav out twice, prevented our 2 backcaps from being lost, so they made me the hvt.

Eventually, had a LAV, Tank and LB take me on all at once in the end. My they were ****** off :D

Team collapsed after that sadly. :(

Think I was around 40:5 at the end of the round.

BF4 conquest is combined warfare not infantry only. BF1 will be the same. Sure there will be infantry only or vehicle light maps, but for me that's not really what BF is about, that's COD.

SDM and TDM are really there to learn how to use your small arms and work as a squad, but the main game is about infantry, land vehicles, water craft and air power.

What will make the game succeed or fail is whether all these elements balance, and whether the servers have good (enough) hit reg and are stable.
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
You dont understand then.
Battlefield havent existed since BF2.
If you know how BF1942 and BF2 worked you also know they changed things so Bc2/BF3 and BF4 isnt Battlefield.

Bf1 is at a different pace and they managed to do is to make weapons stronger at some distances and weaker at others and players adapt to such.
You can see that with the people playing the alpha already.

BF1 seems dice are going back hopefully to a more Bf2/BF1942 pace and gameplay and that btw is Battlefield not the last iterations as those was call of duty cloned.

I was a massive fan of bf2 and I guess they changed engines substantially after that. Bf3 was ok but I agree it was much different and anyway I really liked all the mods for bf2. There was maybe 50 different game types, shame we wont see that again but theres always arma for that

If BF1 is really going to be more like bf2 then great, I might even buy it. I hope they sort out vehicle rules, maybe punish crashing all the time more. The only bans I ever got were on servers where they didnt like people who didnt crash, I really only like games where you suffer a big loss on death not the constant respawn dynamic

call of duty cloned.
I wouldnt go that far, but a console bias came in. I actually liked BC1 for its unique terrain deformation, bc2 was not bad but it was more tunnel like how it was done.
I will be surprised if bf1 takes a new turn
4 Jun 2009
The thing is, so many people have rose tinted glasses on when it comes to the "old" battlefield games, yes "at the time", the games were superb and amount of fun we had was immense but I guarantee that if you go back to those games now, you wouldn't think the same i.e. bf 2, no one remember the dolphin diving, the planes and their bombs..... to me that isn't fun, the same way getting killed by a ucav or the "pig" (m,60 with HE rounds) in bf 4 isn't fun.... BC 2 is still great fun but even it has its downsides i.e. the AWFUL movement

I think it is pretty obvious from all the gameplay videos of BF 1 that the game is just more of the same that we found in bf 4 just with minor improvements and a different skin.

LOL was aa on Zavod recently; Our team was being stacked against. Repeatedly cleared the sky, took their lav out twice, prevented our 2 backcaps from being lost, so they made me the hvt.

Eventually, had a LAV, Tank and LB take me on all at once in the end. My they were ****** off :D

Team collapsed after that sadly. :(

Think I was around 40:5 at the end of the round.

BF4 conquest is combined warfare not infantry only. BF1 will be the same. Sure there will be infantry only or vehicle light maps, but for me that's not really what BF is about, that's COD.

SDM and TDM are really there to learn how to use your small arms and work as a squad, but the main game is about infantry, land vehicles, water craft and air power.

What will make the game succeed or fail is whether all these elements balance, and whether the servers have good (enough) hit reg and are stable.

See, to me that is skillful, you were against an organised team and yet still managed to take 5+ people on. Yes with the AA being powerful, it helps but really one LAV should be able to rekt an aa just like a tank should be able to decimate an AA (it always amuses me when that happens, just shows how awful the player is with a tank :o)
16 Jun 2009
See, to me that is skillful

Skill yes, talent no. My skill is earned over long hours of play. Talented players can and will earn skill faster than I will, and when I come across a talented player with 2000 hours, I get rekt.
But it just goes to show there is a high skill ceiling in BF4. Not as high as CS, but it's there.

I just hope the same is true of BF1.
4 Jun 2009
Yup precisely, battlefield is a game where you need to take the time to learn how to "git gud" especially if you want to get good at all aspects of it.

Generally players with over 2000 and some with even 3000 or more hours will be better than players with only a couple of hundred hours but like you said, there are some very talented players who only have about 200-400 hours in bf 4 yet they will utterly destroy someone with 3000 hours i.e. PUNCHRULLE (mYm player and friend of our youtube westie)
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