*** Battlefield 2042 (Console) ***

28 Jan 2003
So it seems like the rumour mill is starting to pick up with regards to Battlefield 6/Battlefield, possibly a soft reboot called simply “Battlefield”.

  • Heavily influenced by BF3
  • Large maps, up to 128 players
  • Coming to PS4 and Xbox too (graphical downgrade, toned down destruction and will have only 32vs32 player modes)
  • Two studios working on last-gen and current-gen versions
  • Battle-Royale in development (EA impressed by Warzone success)


Being influenced by BF3 is good, I enjoyed it back in the day and a modern game is something I look forward to. Not sure about cross gen plans...
Yeah all the usual EA shills have been putting out new BF5 videos recently, standard practise just before some form of reveal.

Still hoping for good things...
They will have to do a lot to get me back. I've never dropped a game series so fast then they went to older war stuff again.
Same, it wasn't as such the setting but just the game itself.

Didn't like how they played online at all, maps were rubbish as was gunplay I them in comparison to 3 and 4
Just had a look at my old Battlelog for previous BF games. Sitting here remembering how brilliant BF3 and 4 were. If it's heavily influenced by BF3, I'm already sold.

Noticed BF1 is part of the PS+ collection - does anyone know if it's still pretty active or not?
  • Battle-Royale in development (EA impressed by Warzone success)

*sigh* :rolleyes: Publishers really are totally lacking in any original thought now.

I'll keep my eye on this. BF3 and BF4 were great games. BF4 is in my top 5 shooters on PS4. Hopefully I'll actually be able to get hold of an XSX by the time this comes out :D
Oh if this is anything like BF3 then this will be a day one without a question of a doubt.

I still jump on it from time to time and it is so much better than anything brought out in the last few years.
bf3 I was more impressed when it came out.
bf4 felt like a very big DLC, they went overboard with more of everything yet nothing really new. Resulting in more chaos.
Started avoiding vehicle maps there. Combined arms in BC2 and BF3 made much more sense.

wasn't interested in hardline nor the rape of history in bf1 and bf5

honestly don't expect them to get back on track. With crossplay and battle royale plans it looks like all they care is to mimic CoD.
They know what they're doing leaking about BF3, it's a fan favourite (Would say BF2 but it's really hard to look back at it now without retro goggles on really), and it is the easiest way to produce hype so I'm sceptical. On the other hand, they must know the changes they made with BF1 and on were perceived to be utter trash in comparison by players, and I'm hoping they understand it's actually because they were trash. If so, there's some hope and they might really mean what they say when they say more like BF3. They pulled their finger out recently with Squadrons - although I get that it was a much smaller project and totally different developer - but the attitude of EA to support such a game is encouraging.
Also thining about it, it cant be like BF3 with 128 players, unless thats reserved for certain modes, as some of y fav maps like Bazarr ( I think) was great when some groups faced off in teh alley way, that map design is not going to work with so many numbers playing it.
Loved Rush in BC 2, it was epic. Great fun, especially as the buildings fell.

Indeed - I used to love putting C4 on a building, as a team camped inside; then dropping the place :D

Mind you, a remake of Battlefield 2 would be nice - Strike at Karkand was alway ace fun; as was playing spec ops class, and putting C4 on the enemy commanders assets, then waiting for them to drop a supply crate to repair it - only to rise and repeat until the enemy had to hunt you down. No idea where my battle stats are online, but I never did get the Purple Heart in that game :)
No confidence whatsoever this will be any good, they've lost their touch.

If they remade 3 or 4 with improved visuals I'd be more interested.

I'd be happy if they just removed the blue tint

Think I'm in the tiny minority in that I quite enjoyed BF1.

I still install BC2 from time to time, great fun but finding a server is becoming harder and it's generally only 1 map (Africa Harbour).
BF1 and BF V just didn't really gel for me. Bit of a waste of cash really.

Really enjoyed 3 and 4, but think BC2 was probably the most fun.

Either way, where once a BF game would be a day 1 for me without question, when what ever comes around next is here, I'll be waiting for input from people first.
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