*** Battlefield 2042 (Console) ***

Wish they'd go back to the xp leveling for guns and unlocks like BF3 & 4 rather than buying them.

BF1 and V just feel watered down version's of Battlefield to me.

Stolen from Reddit:

  • Destructible buildings
He calls it ''Levolution on steroids'', there will be fully destructible buildings. For example, when you shoot with a tank on a building it will be damaged and eventually fall over. The destruction isn't simply animated, it's actually calculated. Every building can be destroyed except the buildings that are important for the objectives.

  • Squad system
There are squads (4 people) and platoons called "Units". The units will have 3 - 4 squads. There will be a unit leader. This makes it easier to manage large amounts of team mates to complete objectives as the leader will direct each squad (sounds really epic to me, if true).

  • Crossplay
Full crossplay between PS5, Xbox Series and PC, he also sayst that if the old-gen version comes out it will be included.

  • Free element
There will be some free elements of the game. Probably the Battle Royale mode.

  • Battle pass
There's gonna be a battle pass where each season is around 8 - 10 weeks and you can get up to level 100.
Why crossplay with PC? Then we get to face hackers, great stuff. I know there isn’t a massive amount of them but still, that’s me out.
.....but there are a massive amount of aim assist on consoles. There absolutely shouldn't be crossplay.

Using a pad without aim assist isn’t the easiest. I would assume they would separate pad users and m & kb users into separate lobbies like COD did. But I agree 100% crossplay should only be with the consoles and PC separate.
Urgh, why does Dice (???) want to ape COD so much - Seasons, really!

They should look at Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 - those games provided some of the best elements of the franchise imo and were the pinnacles of Battlefield for me.

Having been with the series since BF1942 on the PC (not the god awful 2142 though!) – it has always been a firm favourite with me, and though I do occasionally enjoy the fast pace of COD, BF was always the ‘thinking man’s game’ imo – what with all those pesky vehicles.

Here’s hoping it’s not another steaming pile like BF 4, BF 1 and BF 5 (sorry “Vee”).
Urgh, why does Dice (???) want to ape COD so much - Seasons, really!

They should look at Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 - those games provided some of the best elements of the franchise imo and were the pinnacles of Battlefield for me.

Having been with the series since BF1942 on the PC (not the god awful 2142 though!) – it has always been a firm favourite with me, and though I do occasionally enjoy the fast pace of COD, BF was always the ‘thinking man’s game’ imo – what with all those pesky vehicles.

Here’s hoping it’s not another steaming pile like BF 4, BF 1 and BF 5 (sorry “Vee”).
Ban him from this thread:D.
I'm not confident they will release something I really want.

It's been going downhill for sometime and now it looks like they are adding "must have" features to compete with cod but they will be broken in some way on release.

Cross play is terrible, watch them not have the option to turn it off at first!
Urgh, why does Dice (???) want to ape COD so much - Seasons, really!

They aren't copying COD. They're copying Fortnite. That game was one of the first to introduce a battle pass and it makes so much money that every other publishers wants in on the action.
Indeed - I used to love putting C4 on a building, as a team camped inside; then dropping the place :D

Yes BFBC2 was insane!

Battlefield is easily my favourite shooter series of the modern era. I'd love to see a return to the BF3/4 with some remakes of classic maps.

I am in the extreme minority of people who actually enjoyed BFV. Solid shooter in my opinion. I have been playing it quite a bit lately due to a lack of decent shooters that aren't full of sweaty players.

I miss the old days of the BF4 OcUK community, hopefully a return to form for BF can see us dominating servers again!

I'm still actively playing BF5 too, jump on for a few rounds a week. Overall i still think the game is good - the graphics are much better than previous games, i think most people just aren't a fan of the historical warfare genre rather than the modern warfare.

My main bugbear though - cheaters being the biggest issue - the anti-cheat systems on this game are practically non-existent. Thankfully they're not present in every game, but are more frequently than not, but seems they can play some very long stints before they get an account ban. I appreciate they don't have the resources (or even want to spend the resources) to assess every cheat report, but the easiest and best mechanism is to implement server vote kick. The majority of players are decent and would vote to kick the player even if they were on their team and giving an obvious win.

The other minor annoying thing is there's clearly a number of players who are under 18 who play, you can tell because of the immature trash talk. In most cases you can just hide the chat, but it just seems wholly unnecessary seeing as it's supposed to be an 18+ game, so you'd expect to be playing with other adults.
Wish they'd go back to the xp leveling for guns and unlocks like BF3 & 4 rather than buying them.

BF1 and V just feel watered down version's of Battlefield to me.

It's a tricky concept to balance.

Buying them whether it's in-game currency or real cash gives everyone access to the same weapons from the start - although in-game currency can take some time to build up.

XP levelling, especially after the game has been out for several months makes it very hard for new players to be competitive. They basically get the **** guns and no mods, and are expected to compete against players who have unlocked the best guns and best mods and despite already having an advantage of knowing the game mechanics and map layouts etc, will also have the advantage of having a better weapon.

Essentially if you make it too much of a rough start for new players after the game is 6+ months old, then the player base dies pretty quickly.
Essentially if you make it too much of a rough start for new players after the game is 6+ months old, then the player base dies pretty quickly.

I honestly think modern warfare did a decent job of this, you had the battle pass but I only actually paid for it once and would unlock credits allowing you to buy the next month and have some left over to buy the odd gun but you would also unlock everything else that mattered.

Attachments would unlock through the use of the gun, but even if you sucked would unlock fairly regular.

I don't think any of the unlocked weapons provided a massive advantage over the base set, more some suited a play style that you may have.

Having played a bit of BFV, I just don't feel an attachment to a certain weapon and unlocks for that weapon seem to take ages.

The pay for the good guns and everyone has that option puts me straight off within a week as I'm at a disadvantage unless I'm willing to spend money on the game I've already paid more than I'd like for.
It now appears that DICE LA are working on at least part of the next battlefield game after a slightly cryptic tweet from a senior developer there.
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