Surprised people are buying this DLC. The original was great until hackers ruined it. Because of the design of the game the hacking cannot be solved.

Dont waste your hard earned cash on this IMO.
The original was great until hackers ruined it.

There's hardly any hackers in this game, in over 150 hours I can count the amount of hackers I've seen on my fingers, unless you religiously live on 64p metro conquest they are very rare. 99.9% of the time people think they see hackers it's just players better than them. The only thing that "ruined" the game is terrible hit detection, sure it has it's flaws as well.
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Surprised people are buying this DLC. The original was great until hackers ruined it. Because of the design of the game the hacking cannot be solved.

Dont waste your hard earned cash on this IMO.

Play on a good server then ;)

I know for certain there is atleast one "OcUK friendly" server that's hacker free 99.99% of the time ;)
Been playing CQ today and liking it a lot. Gun Master is just gungame from CS:S. That's not a bad thing though.
Sorry to wade in and start something, but this statement is rubbish. The game was released, you paid money for it. The people making the game worked hard to produce more for it, and you think that should "BE FREE", so what? the people making the game need to work for nothing so you can get extras for free? Really?

I've seen this a lot recently and it really frustrates me, because it's not new practise. I can remember my first PC game, being C&C. Nearly 20 years ago now. Oh what's that? An Expansion pack was released for that? and you had to pay money for it...? Funny that sounds like DLC to me.

True the prices may be going up, but you know what, so are the costs of pretty much everything else.

try to think for a second, it's not that hard!

I preordered this for £35 I think , now EA would like another £30 , that's £65
In 5-6 months they will release another map mack and a few skins and there goes another £30

Good games , complete games sell for around £30-40 , they are selling some skins and some maps for that price. Maps and skins created with the same game engine, they are not reinventing the game, they are not selling a different game, they are selling maps!

This is not a company "just trying to make some money" this is a greedy corporation that have pushed their own buggy system (Origin) and forced us to use a stupid login system (Origin + Battlenet + game closing if you change servers) JUST SO WE CAN PLAY A GAME WE BOUGHT FOR A LOT OF MONEY

(I had to get an SSD as I couldn't bare the login times at the beginning and while swapping servers)

I don't blame the hardcore gamers that cave in and get it, I just pity the naive that see all things in green.
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try to use your brains for a second , it's not that hard


I preordered this for £35 I think , now EA would like another £30 , that's £65
In 5-6 months they will release another map mack and a few skins and there goes another £30

Nobody's forcing you to buy it

Good games , complete games sell for around £30-40 , they are selling some skins and some maps for that price. Maps and skins created with the same game engine, they are not reinventing the game, they are not selling a different game, they are selling maps!

Good, complete games also sell for £20. You want everyone to price everything at £20?

This is not a company "just trying to make some money" this is a greedy corporation that have pushed their own buggy system (Origin) and forced us to use a stupid login system (Origin + Battlenet + game closing if you change servers) JUST SO WE CAN PLAY A GAME WE BOUGHT FOR A LOT OF MONEY

C'mon, let's count everyone who agrees with you... oh wait, they're all enjoying BF3.

(I had to get an SSD as I couldn't bare the login times at the beginning and while swapping servers)


I don't blame the hardcore gamers that cave in and get it, I just pity the naive that see all things in green.

EDIT: nvm, no point.
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you try and say that the next time I shoot you in the face from close range with my m40a5 and you're using your assault rifle ;)

also, y u no play on cq247?
try to think for a second, it's not that hard!

Have you? have you experienced rational thinking? all I got was rant keyboard rage due to feeling left out.

I preordered this for £35 I think , now EA would like another £30 , that's £65
In 5-6 months they will release another map mack and a few skins and there goes another £30

This is nothing compared to what I've spent on GT5 plus accessories. :D

Good games , complete games sell for around £30-40 , they are selling some skins and some maps for that price. Maps and skins created with the same game engine, they are not reinventing the game, they are not selling a different game, they are selling maps!

Lots of games have sold maps. Need For Speed was worse than this. Why does it feel like somebody has discovered DLC for the first time?

Besides, nearly all console games are £39.99 good or bad for RRP. PC games, top titles were always usually anything between £26 and £35. Heck even Quake 3 when I bought it back in 1999 it was £25 or there about. Two years later? Quake 3: Team Arena, an expansion was about the same price. Even the Doom3 expansion was £24 on release.

This is not a company "just trying to make some money" this is a greedy corporation that have pushed their own buggy system (Origin) and forced us to use a stupid login system (Origin + Battlenet + game closing if you change servers) JUST SO WE CAN PLAY A GAME WE BOUGHT FOR A LOT OF MONEY

(I had to get an SSD as I couldn't bare the login times at the beginning and while swapping servers)

What's so buggy about Origin? it's as good as Steam for me. I don't even have an SSD and Origin logs in 1 - 3 seconds. Have you got that selective memory? did you know Steam was terribly buggy when it was first launched? and for the following years? did you know most things that are new, are buggy upon first release? and is ironed out on months/years later...

I don't blame the hardcore gamers that cave in and get it, I just pity the naive that see all things in green.

Hello, I'm more than freeman. Seriously though, I'm not hardcore but I do love BF3 and bought premium from Origin before this deal took place. I honestly don't see what's so bad for people to buy things that they enjoy, god forbid somebody has another opinion than their own.

YE SHALL BE STRUCK DOWN! because somebody likes or does something different to me. Shock horror.

And on the very rare occassion when a hacker does appear on it, they get dealt with very swiftly.;)

Yes. I have seen a fair amount of punkbuster kick bans. Or was that from the admin's. I can never remember. Even as quickly as they join.
try to think for a second, it's not that hard!

I preordered this for £35 I think , now EA would like another £30 , that's £65
In 5-6 months they will release another map mack and a few skins and there goes another £30

Good games , complete games sell for around £30-40 , they are selling some skins and some maps for that price. Maps and skins created with the same game engine, they are not reinventing the game, they are not selling a different game, they are selling maps!

This is not a company "just trying to make some money" this is a greedy corporation that have pushed their own buggy system (Origin) and forced us to use a stupid login system (Origin + Battlenet + game closing if you change servers) JUST SO WE CAN PLAY A GAME WE BOUGHT FOR A LOT OF MONEY

(I had to get an SSD as I couldn't bare the login times at the beginning and while swapping servers)

I don't blame the hardcore gamers that cave in and get it, I just pity the naive that see all things in green.

I did think,

If you're not happy with the price of the packs, don't buy them, they're not compulsory!

Can't say I've had any issues with Origin. Can't say I've had any issues with Battlenet logins. Can't say I've had any issues with load times. I've been playing since beta, and now have an SSD because I felt like it, not because "I needed it."

Not a lot of your argument makes that much sense to me, as they released a "Good Complete Game" for £30 (depending obviously on where you shop) and you're upset because you're having to pay more money for extra things.

Its your choice if you want the stuff or not, if you don't want to pay, don't. It's not hard a choice.

I feel like you've not actually touched anything my original post said. This comes down to, simple monetary exchange. A studio has done work, and provided extra things for a game that you play. You can buy them, you can choose not to, that's up to you. It doesn't change the fact (Whether the game was re-built or not) that they worked hard on something that has taken time and effort on a lot of people's part to produce; they've had to be paid for it. That money doesn't just appear from no where, so they ask that you pay for the extra things. Its not new, its not "Money Grabbing", its simple economics.

edit: P.S. What the hell does your last statement even mean!?
V F, Cleeecooo , Firenze - apologies for going on a rant

you don't have to agree with me and I with you

I'm just annoyed that big corporations are abusing our hobbies to milk us dry

I might get the expansions too , but when they become cheaper and the rage goes away :D
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