Regarding the booking days off to play. I've already commented on it, but only because someone posted saying that's what they're doing.
I've done it before, as i am quite an avid gamer, but afterwards felt like i'd wasted a days holiday.
Of course its up to the individual as to how they spend their days off. No one has argued that. It just 'seems' more nerdy and a waste to those that wouldn't do it (or have and regretted it).
I berate my son for staying on his pc/console all day long. "Get out, enjoy the outdoors a bit more".
That said, i've spent many a whole day immersed in BC2 or similar. Totally looking forward to playing BF3 but for me, it doesn't warrant taking a day off work for.
Horses for what, doesn't matter, do what you want.
But when you post about it and you're in the minority......expect debate. Simples!