Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Bah ordered it again due to deific saying that the pre order bonus would end shortly :p on GMG even though I haven't got my money from the previous failed attempt back yet and every thing went fine this time, so pre dll now.

Although just going to wait until officially released.
I ordered it from Origin months ago for £29.99, I knew that Origin would have a way to play it early, just like we did with BC2 on EA downloader.
I've asked about the e-mails, and the unlocking just for extra clarification. I will end the conversation in one minute if nobody has any extra questions.
From everyone at fun4all

I would like to say a big thank you to raven for making it pos to play bf3

Now we have to work out how to make the game into a tour

why do people have 13mbs and 6mbps download speeds and I have 260kbs. I'm on O2 for christ sake, my internet is supposed to be good! Not exactly in a totally rural area either, a fairly built up bunch of towns.

Tingle, confirm release is 25th for UK

edit: oh you asked that :p

Also just done a speedtest and it's around 2MBPS!!!!! What's going on there, it used to be 11! O2 are getting a call tomorrow morning
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Here's the conversation I had with EA:

P.S My name is NOT Sec Ret :p
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Man this game is haaaaaaaard, not a clue what Im doing, however I was 10 for 10 which aint bad, but people have epic guns already. I got limited edition, dont I get a bonus or something? How do you unlock stuff aswell
Played 3 hours MP so far. Amazing! Love it. Not 100% keen on maps so far, some are good, some are, I dunno, can't put my finger on it.

Gameplay is solid, feels BF2 like, jets are fun, helis are fantastic (had a brilliant 17 kill streak as gunner in one).

Loving it!!!
We been rumbled!!
Below is from Facebook. :D:D:D:D
Release date changed.

BF3 Launch Changed

In response to the large amount of players using a Korean VPN today to play Battlefield 3 one day early, EA have sent out an email to all those who bought on origin that they can access the game today instead of tomorrow. This is great news and we can’t wait to see the swarm come on the battlefield. Hopefully this will mean that EA will change the release dates for the rest of the world.

This is ONLY for Digital Pre Orders of BF3

Some people are reporting to not of received the email. If your Regions release was set to be the 25th of October, we encourage you to try starting the game in origin and logging into Battlelog. Source
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