Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Its alright mate, just keep at it.. It's a new game.. It will be worth it.

At the moment I'm playing by myself which does suck.. but hoping to join a clan soon... That's what BF is all about.
Lol its annoying, I don;t know anyone on PC gaming. I cant get used to it at all as I'm not used to a high res....and I really suck lol

Don't worry about it mate, I've gone from having a KD of 2.02 in BFBC2, to having the crappest KD I could ever imagine in BF3. It just takes practice.
Lol its annoying, I don;t know anyone on PC gaming. I cant get used to it at all as I'm not used to a high res....and I really suck lol

Yeah, Get stuck into some single player for a bit and learn mouse control etc, You will soon be pulling off the old snap shoot to the head. It just takes time to adjust, I went from PC to Console and back to PC. It takes time. :)
Out of the 9 maps, how many would you say are large maps?

I am getting the feeling that more than half are small maps with flags clustered about instead of being spaced out
I've not had one problem with my 560 Ti Twin Frozr II, game hasn't crashed once and runs great... I did format before i installed Battlefield 3 though so everything was all fresh and new.
I've joined Goons clan thing for OCUK. But its just, boring, not knowing anyone to talk to, or play with. Hell I dont even know how to bloody type in game. I'd rather just sell this and put it towards a car
Naa, it's not the same. I dont see how people are like ranked 10 already....with amazing weapon upgrades..

It's because they have been playing since yesterday, also the better you do the quicker you level. I am almost rank 7 after only 4 hours online play.

The weapon upgrades, add-ons etc, don't make that big a difference to be honest.
If thats the case then i suggest 5UP's public OcUK mumble server @


There are no rules about not talking etc.

However if you fancy coming on ours then a mic i'd say would be needed, otherwise an admin might kick if you dont respond :D

Ah ok, will have a look at that one then! Thx! :D

Hehehe probably :D, I just really don't like using a mic when gaming, can't concentrate on gaming when talking :p and I guess you could say I am very shy as well! :p
I've joined Goons clan thing for OCUK. But its just, boring, not knowing anyone to talk to, or play with. Hell I dont even know how to bloody type in game. I'd rather just sell this and put it towards a car

You won't be able to sell it, it'll be attached to your Origin account which is illegal to sell.

Just stick with it, add a few of the people in your platoon and join up with them. Make a party in Battlelog and use the voice chat to play as a team.
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