Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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BF3 should change all this. It is arguably one of the most anticipated games in the modern age, and has such a large fan base and user base to appeal to, I can see tournaments and leagues literally being thrown at the end users to try and revive and save the slowly dying and dwindling industry that is competitive gaming.

I suppose with a dedicated death match mode things might be different this time round.

Will wait and see :)
I try and play on the server and get some newfag talking to me, telling me how I'm a previously PB banned player. Does he not read this thread, I'm sure I explained it. lol

I'm alright though mate been working a lot :) youu?
Troll is trolling.

But no, you're wrong.

That is like Portal 2 using a Source 2 engine.

Just because they obviously work on existing code in addition to adding to it, it does not make it the same engine.

It makes it the next iteration of engine, so in industry terms, a new engine.

Battlefield 3 is ridiculously good.

It looks and feels FANTASTIC, miles ahead of BC2.

The game is already so polished and it hasn't even officially been released in the UK yet!

Dice have out-done themselves.

According to Patrick Bach from Dice the engine is new from the ground up:

Its mentioned at the one minute mark.
Whats the destruction like, are there a lot of variables or do parts of buildings collapse the same way if hit in slightly different places and is it possible to crawl into a new hiding place under the rubble after your cover has been blown away
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By the way, for anyone having spikey FPS, download the latest drivers from the 24th / 25th I think. Did the trick for me, works smooth now :)
Lol TFU never change, get killed and then have to use admin powers to kill people because you're that bad. I see.

I told him to ban your account!

BEcause of this, there is NO excuse... I'd rather not take the risk!

Showing bans on BF2, BF2142, Cod etc... Not a chance will this ever be removed

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Yes well when they all saw your PBBan turn up I think you dropped even lower down their care lists.


Point just proven ^^
Not that I wish to play with the majority of you, because it appears you act like old miserable gits. Which in essence is what you are, I've got contact with the people worth playing with.

Just didn't expect such verbal abuse when playing on there considering I haven't done a great deal to you lot.
what are we looking at thats so shocking ?

Lander used to be in TFU. Long story short people suspected him of cheating and "didn't like his attitude" and then the above eventually turned up (it's a global punkbuster ban for his GUID).

There, you're up to speed. :D

Kind of feels like an episode of Loose Women, all this bitching...
what was the ban for ?

Surely unless anybody knows the circumstances surround the ban and the reason, you're all just being gossiping old women ?
I love all this "told you so" stuff about the ban thing.

I wonder why this is, you ask?

Well it's because I simply wasn't using my BC2 anymore, Daz had it off me and what he does with it is in his own hands, not my responsibility. Probably a bit of an idiot move on my part letting him go loose on it as it's brought my name down now, knowing his history I should've thought but either way idc whether you believe that story or not (more so not I imagine).

When you see a ban pop up for any of the games that I'm currently playing then feel free to have a go but until that moment then please hush up..

Thanks and I will get on with my day,

Lots of love


There we are, believe what you want at the end of the day I'm happy playing with my mates so I don't require access to your server I just don't like the abuse or hostility :)
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