Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Speaking of the new engine, has the destruction been turned up a notch? It was very underwhelming in the beta :(

It's pretty much the same as it was at the start of beta before they disabled most of it. Still quite a lot that you can't destroy though, even some flimsy looking fences and walls. I supposed they had to leave some out for tactical reasons though as people like me would attempt to flatten entire maps :p
Tried that. Overlocked it to 2.66Ghz and as soon as I pwoered up it reached 80 degree :D

Not trying that again.

Go start a thread in the OC section and we'll see what we can do about sorting the temp issues ;) Dont want it to get lost in this thread lol (barely keeping track as it is!)
Firstly it's not a new engine it's an updated one just like how portal 2 uses an upated version of source and secondly everything else you mentioned could have easily been added in a patch or update in badcompany 2 apart from the destruction


Frostbyte 2 is a completley new engine, unlike portal 2 which was tweaked source afaik.

You could "easily add" anything to a DLC or patch for a game. Everything he mentioned could not have "easily been added" with maybe a few exceptions. 64 player support and map size to support it in BF3. You couldn't just "easily add" it to BC2 as it was designed more so with console noobs in mind, they couldn't handle 64 players.

even still in BC2 the console limit is 24 (iirc) and PC is 32.
In BF3 console support is 24 still and PC is 64.

Go "easily add" that into a patch/DLC to cater for the mass market that is BC2 gamers and see how far you get.

TL;DR - stop typing using your sphincter.
Is this game competitive?

As in potential to hit cod4/CSS levels of competitive play, or is it more for casual MP?

It will defiently get competitive. It's a slower paced game though compared to the two games you mentioned.

It also is very teamwork based, so if you have two good teams you could have some amazing games.
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Firstly it's not a new engine it's an updated one just like how portal 2 uses an upated version of source and secondly everything else you mentioned could have easily been added in a patch or update in badcompany 2 apart from the destruction

Even if it were possible (which it isn't really), why should they add all of that into an existing game? They're out to make money by selling new games.

Utterly ridiculous.
Is this game competitive?

As in potential to hit cod4/CSS levels of competitive play, or is it more for casual MP?

Battlefield 2 never did

Too many tanks and cars and silly things to be taken seriously by the uber leet pr0 gaming crew.

Plenty clans will play it properly online in ladders though. But it will never get to the levels CS 1.6 did, its not that sort of game.
I'm gona put this in bold, not trying to shout it at you just want others to see it and not skim passed it, our servers seem pretty good form what i've read...

Multiplay had the majority of server up and running through ALPHA and BETA. Their servers are better optimized than other GSP's who have no doubt tried to save money by over loading boxes, not anticipating the load they'd be put under.

Most if not all Multiplay servers are less likely to Lag and Rubber band while playing. I'm sure the other GSP's will correct this is due course.

I have no link to this info but its what i've see posted about, Multiplay servers are far more stable than other's, hence the replies about our servers.

COOL, thanks for clarification! :D can't wait for another blast at TFU tonight.
You bought completely the wrong game then.
No i did`nt, i bought it for my nephew.:p

90 % of the appeal in the battlefield franchise is the multiplayer.
And YES, i know that. :rolleyes::

If you'd played BF2 or BF1942 singeplayer you'd wonder what the hell the fuss was about.
Got them both. Only played the SP in BF3 to see if it was an improvement on BF2. :D
Battlefield 2 never did

Too many tanks and cars and silly things to be taken seriously by the uber leet pr0 gaming crew.

Plenty clans will play it properly online in ladders though. But it will never get to the levels CS 1.6 did, its not that sort of game.

You're right and wrong at the same time.

Dice have specifically said during all the marketing usuals for BF3 that the competitive "scene" was something that they wanted to focus on. I think it is kind of obvious already that there's a $1.6million tournament now taking place for console gamers specifically for BF3.

The Electronic Sports League (ESL) have adopted BF3 already and have made quite a lot of plans for some cups, leagues and ladders.

The thing that will set this apart from BF2 in terms of competitiveness is that BF2 was limited to Conquest. No mainstream league would ever pick-up a game as a common league item if you need 32 people in a single team. This is where BF3 has the advantage.

Current plans as far as I can tell are for leagues to do with 8v8 Conquest game modes, 6v6 Rush modes and 4v4 Squad Deathmatch. This is where the competitive scene (PC at least anyway) will flourish.

The big "eSports players" need something new and this is exactly it. Old games like 1.6 and CS:S no longer have the mass appeal that they once did. They no longer bring in huge prize pools or as many tournaments as they have in the past. Fair enough there is still the big sponsors around (Intel, AMD, Razer etc) but there's nothing lending to the tournaments - they're for old games targeting the minority of the audience in terms of PC gamers.

BF3 should change all this. It is arguably one of the most anticipated games in the modern age, and has such a large fan base and user base to appeal to, I can see tournaments and leagues literally being thrown at the end users to try and revive and save the slowly dying and dwindling industry that is competitive gaming.
Crashes for me on my 580, I bet its software related, as every hardware change i make doesn't make a difference. I ctd literally every 3 mins in multiplayer. tried running the game with literally no back ground tasks (antivirus afterburner etc) tried putting all settings on low, tried 3 different drivers, tried changing origin settings but nothing changes it.

See here for official thread:
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to sync the mouse sensitivities between iron sights and non-iron sights? It really frustrates me that the sensitivity when you aim down iron sights is different to that of normally looking around!

Also, i can't check myself at the moment but is there an option seperate to the usual sensitivity options for vehicle sense? When i'm gunning in a chopper my sense feels insanely high which is again very annoying. I like consistency with mouse sense.
Battlefield 2 never did

Too many tanks and cars and silly things to be taken seriously by the uber leet pr0 gaming crew.

Plenty clans will play it properly online in ladders though. But it will never get to the levels CS 1.6 did, its not that sort of game.

I missed out on the BF2 era. Wasn't infantry mode popular for competitive play?

Even if BF3 isn't like that I'll still probably get it, I'll just do my usual wait until some bugs are fixed (if applicable) and it is a bit cheaper.

BF3 should change all this. It is arguably one of the most anticipated games in the modern age, and has such a large fan base and user base to appeal to, I can see tournaments and leagues literally being thrown at the end users to try and revive and save the slowly dying and dwindling industry that is competitive gaming.

I hope you're right but past experience has taught me that huge anticipation usually equals huge anti-climax. I hope for the sake of competitive PC gaming that BF3 is successful with it.
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Even if it were possible (which it isn't really), why should they add all of that into an existing game? They're out to make money by selling new games.

Utterly ridiculous.

Which was exactly my point of people saying the same thing about cod so thankyou

and no I don't like cod before you say im a fanboy
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Firstly it's not a new engine it's an updated one just like how portal 2 uses an upated version of source and secondly everything else you mentioned could have easily been added in a patch or update in badcompany 2 apart from the destruction

Troll is trolling.

But no, you're wrong.

That is like Portal 2 using a Source 2 engine.

Just because they obviously work on existing code in addition to adding to it, it does not make it the same engine.

It makes it the next iteration of engine, so in industry terms, a new engine.

Battlefield 3 is ridiculously good.

It looks and feels FANTASTIC, miles ahead of BC2.

The game is already so polished and it hasn't even officially been released in the UK yet!

Dice have out-done themselves.
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Gotta say never mind the graphics, the sound is unreal. Still hearing new things all the time like water running out of drains and rattling of metal inside a tank. Loving it on my pair of Dre Studio's :)
Why wasn't Portal 2 dlc for Portal 1 or L4D2? Same engine!!! Herrp derrpp herp!!

Really enjoying the game and to me does actually feel like a "leap" compared to previous BF/MOH/COD games and the main reason for that is atmosphere. The feeling you get as a jet flies a few metres above your head as you have this epic vista of explosions and soldiers running in front of you, for me has been incomparable to other games.

I'm still looking forward to COD some what, but for totally different reasons :)
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