Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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fair enough but how the hell can metro and damavand peak conquest be designed to improve the game?

same goes for seine crossing and grand bazzar. soon as one team dominates all points it turns into a spawn camping fest.

conquest doesnt feel like conquest on those maps, feels more like domination from cod.

The difference with BF2 is that with BF3 there is 2 new game modes - Rush and Death Match.

Its inevitable that some of the maps are going to be more suited to one of the game types.

Caspian border is more suited to conquest than rush for example.

Again, as part of 21st century gaming, new maps will be added via DLC which will expand the number of maps more suited to conquest than rush / TDM.
Im guessing there is still no fix mapping mouse buttons

make sure you try remampping the right section, theres 3 of them, 1 KB, 1 mouse and 1 joystick.

Cool cheers for that matey. I have just installed the game but i really dont know if i want to go through the whole proxy activation as much as im dying to play. I mean how safe is it, surely there must be a way of them seeing. I have read through page 962 but do you have to keep using the proxy settings to play online until tomorrow night or do you just need them for activation purposes
Cool cheers for that matey. I have just installed the game but i really dont know if i want to go through the whole proxy activation as much as im dying to play. I mean how safe is it, surely there must be a way of them seeing. I have read through page 962 but do you have to keep using the proxy settings to play online until tomorrow night or do you just need them for activation purposes

Problem is that we are talking 1000's of players if they ban. I reckon worst case they might reset the stats but we will still be better players from the practice.

And you only need to do the ip trick once for activation.
Cool cheers for that matey. I have just installed the game but i really dont know if i want to go through the whole proxy activation as much as im dying to play. I mean how safe is it, surely there must be a way of them seeing. I have read through page 962 but do you have to keep using the proxy settings to play online until tomorrow night or do you just need them for activation purposes

There's loads of threads on the EA forums detailing how to activate it early. These threads haven't been locked whereas threads asking for things such as releasing it early get locked very quickly. They can't condone it but they realise it's giving them a competitive advantage (how many in this thread alone cancelled their retail pre-order to order from origin?) so absolutely nothing will happen. Someone said they've even confirmed people that activated early won't even get a stat reset.
Cool cheers for that matey. I have just installed the game but i really dont know if i want to go through the whole proxy activation as much as im dying to play. I mean how safe is it, surely there must be a way of them seeing. I have read through page 962 but do you have to keep using the proxy settings to play online until tomorrow night or do you just need them for activation purposes

You can do inside your own Windows 7 internet settings, so you dont have to download any software. It only takes a minute to do it and get past the only once bf3 release check, then you can use your normal settings.

Edit- bah too late to answer, as others said they can't ban 1000's of players.
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lol it's so funny when I use my MAV when both teams get stalemated, just spot their entire teams positions round the corner/behind cover and within a minute or two my team has pushed them stupidly far back.
Just bought the LE on GMG for £30 and a 2GB 6970 for £280 which should be here on Friday. For the moment i'll have to play with my 1GB 4870 on low settings.
From the Graphics card section, needed to be depulicated


Trolls will be trolls :rolleyes:
Live Chat down.

CokeZone coupons do not work on pre-Orders.

£10 is not worth having it 2 days earlier. Will have to do without it on Weekend if Game do not ship.

My LE version only cost £27, you just get the code and activate in Origin. It did have the small issue of being in Russian but that was a simple fix :D
Are loading times much quicker on an SSD? Would have to DL it again to be able to move it as no installer in the cache. Tried a junction but it loaded very fast but with missing textures and strange lighting.
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