Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Ok guys, i'm getting real bored playing on my own. This game really needs squads working together to be fun imo.

I've joined the OcUK platoon, i've favourited all the OcUK servers. How can i go about playing with some of you guys? I have a mic, do we have a chat server or anything we all use?

Would just really like to start kickin ass with you guys :D

Need some people to squad with. a lot of people dont seem to believe in teamplay. anyone wants to add me my battlelog name is err4t1c

I was pretty miffed with this last night, I'm hoping things will settle down. Squad voice comms is pretty lacking...
Non existent admins make it more fun!

Have to agree if TFU want there server to stay as popular, there is going to have to be more admin.

@ both, we do have to work chaps. We cannot all sit on the server all day. Add us to Origin or visit if you need an admin. We aren't always sitting on this thread either! It's a TFU server

Or join Mumble

Sorry for your frustration but help us to help you

Would have expecteda bit more than that, I can get around 35-40fps on ultra with hbao and anti aliasing post off, 5760 res. What's your fps like at that setting?

I'll check later. Too much lag now. Virgin!
I have posted there names, and I understand the work bit fella work 24 hours shifts for 3 days :) on one now.. don't tell the boss.. I was just suggesting having a few more admin.
Download started will have it in 1hr 50mins.

Best read up on this unlocking early stuff, Anyone got a link or a post that will tell me all?
I have posted there names, and I understand the work bit fella work 24 hours shifts for 3 days :) on one now.. don't tell the boss.. I was just suggesting having a few more admin.

Yeah we are working on it mate. Still finding our feet really. Only came up yesterday. We are working with procon now and adding more admins. Kicking people crashes a server, apparently, and we do not want to crash the svr. Rock and hard place

Sorry again. Please use Mumble or shoutbox to ask for help
Will do fella, thanks for actually posting back though :) I don't have mumble but I should really install it.. Looking to possible see if I can join you guys soon, BF is crap without a voice server and a laugh.
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