Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I'll check later. Too much lag now. Virgin!

Be interesting to see the performance at that res with those settings, it should tack around 20-30 (best case) fps onto dual 6970's. So if its capable of hitting around 60 average i'll need to get looking for a 699o :)
Hey guys, just wonder if my system will run this at any decent frame rates before shelling out the dosh for the game. She's getting a little tired but here it is

Asus 750i SLi
Q6600 @3.2GHz
2x 8800 GTX OC2
4 Gb Ram
Creative X-Fi eXtreme gamer
Win7 Ultimate 64

Yeah we are working on it mate. Still finding our feet really. Only came up yesterday. We are working with procon now and adding more admins. Kicking people crashes a server, apparently, and we do not want to crash the svr. Rock and hard place

Sorry again. Please use Mumble or shoutbox to ask for help

I thought so, almost every time i've been on a server where there's a hacker the whole thing has went down for a few minutes. Bit of a bugger that.
Any chance peeps can jump on ours if you're free!

We have cake ;)


Seeing as people are pimping theirs.... :p

Oh and re: the kick = crash thing, our GSP reckons it is down to not providing a reason when doing so. Not tested it yet mind.
What's happening with the cheaters that have been found so far? Any bans been handed out by either admins or punkbuster? or will that have to wait till official release day.
What's happening with the cheaters that have been found so far? Any bans been handed out by either admins or punkbuster? or will that have to wait till official release day.

Admins can locally Ban people, whether PB is detecting the cheats is another thing. But there's still the chance that the hackers can bypass any bans.

I try to ban by EA Guid if possible.
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