Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Thundy, Will and the boys.

Got mobbed offshore rapidly on Thursday so will miss our games and bum tickling for a week :(
Untill I sort out my issues with mouse accelleartion lads I won't be able to play at all!

Frustraiting a tad bit yes.

Which mouse you using? Look for a smoothing option in any program it comes with and disable that and then enable RAW input in BF3. Completely disabled mouse smoothing/accerelation on my logitech G9X by going into setpoint (its software), putting its smoothing down to 0 and enabling RAW input in BF3.
I always start with the best of intentions but it doesn't take long for me to start with the colourful language. Might be why I've not played in a month or used mumble for 2 :p
Urgh what the hell!!!

Every time i go on battlelog i have an error popping up and when I go to install the browser pluggin it pretends to download but doesn't!?

Then I get the error again :(
Get connected to a server, 30 seconds later get "game disconnected: Something went wrong"

Any ideas? or is it just Origin being a ball ache from last nights *ahem* "Maintenance" ?
i can play this turd for about 5 mins max before getting utterly bored and turning it off, the amount of rape being dished out by helicopters is just retarded. And it also seems that people have figured out certain turns to do in helis and jets that make the stinger miss most of the time, so not content with the heli's having 2 sets of countermeasures now people in the know have a third tactic to render stingers useless.

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