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still keeping my eye out for c4 jeeps ffs!

Keep your eye out for them and my knife, you may be good. But i'm fearless, reckless, utterly awful, persistent (delete as appropriate). I will dance on your battlegrave having tagged and bagged you.


Some good games tonight, highlight was Westie moaning about me "proning" in Metro LOL

Making sweet love to the floor?
haha dave u was lying in a right gay position, but nothing a gren wouldn't solve!

JG that knife was so close in the train! and if i didnt get my pistol out on that other time at top escalator you woulda got me then heart was beating like ****!

gg's on matts now those lame plugins been taken off! x
I still love it, even if my PC complains from time to time. Even if I regulary get 5 kills to 23 deaths (as many of you were witness to last night...). Even if I keep getting backlucked from driving a jeep.

Even if I get my tags taken by JG :(

Oh, and sorry to everyone about my horrific team kills last night on Sharqi Penninsula(?) and Wake Island. First time on the maps and didn't know them at all, hence I was shooting at everything that moved suddenly :(
Some crafty bugger proning in a field while I drive around in my tank.....see him so decide to go get an easy road kill......turns out he'd laced himself with C4 and was waiting for someone to attempt running him over.


Some crafty bugger proning in a field while I drive around in my tank.....see him so decide to go get an easy road kill......turns out he'd laced himself with C4 and was waiting for someone to attempt running him over.



I have no idea who that could be..............:rolleyes:

haha dave u was lying in a right gay position, but nothing a gren wouldn't solve!

JG that knife was so close in the train! and if i didnt get my pistol out on that other time at top escalator you woulda got me then heart was beating like ****!

gg's on matts now those lame plugins been taken off! x

Ah Westie my heart was going apeshizzle as close :(

I wana work for these bad boy tags....They better not be plain!!!

If by making sweetlove you meant capping B, then I was Ron Jeremy :p

Yes sir

Wish they'd include an option to turn off that bloody gimmicky looking blue filter. Not sure why it was ever added in the first place.
it can make it that colour yes . what youd need to tweak though youd have to go about yourself.

id start with saturation then try other things. or maybe ask on ea site and the guy who made it how to get the similar look. i may be totally wrong but im sure it wouldnt be to hard to remove the blue look.
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the fxaa injector alters the colour balance. No reason why it couldn't tone the blues down to bring the colours down to a more mantural level.

Although i think on metro the blue cast was added to give the feeling it was a dark and dank underground subway. Something the alpha didn't do, it almost looks like daylight.
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