Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I'm absolutely knackered but fancy a game bf3, but I know I'm gonna suck badly and just get annoyed. So I think I might just go to bed instead... God I'm getting old!
Get a lot of hits, even up close but not enough to kill anybody. Yet people with shotguns can kill you from all ranges with a single shot. Who was dice's weapon advisor, action man?
MAV glitcher creme egg :mad:

had to laugh hard on matts server earlier some guy on nosehair canals just sat in a bush :p so 88888888 lame . i would uninstall all games if i was that bad and take up knitting.
Seen a guy do that one night on metro conquest, sat in a bush to the left of his own spawn point trying to snipe, (ru deploy point). Even his squad/team mates were at him to get up and move.
Just played on BIA HiTIX server, the hit reg was way off.. You could actually kill someone by aiming to the left of them as they ran away but it wouldn't register head shots!.
Had that loads of times, someone runs across my fov from left to right, if i shoot at or lead them to the right, no joy. Shoot behind them, no probs. Ive even seen me dying a full 3 seconds after going into cover.
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