The aimbots must have evolved, but that was a bit silly of him to post the slow-mo section.
They have
You can adjust the FOV that it snaps onto the target to for example. So you can set it to 90 degrees, or even just 2 degrees, so it only snaps on when you get right on target
You can even toggle it on and off. The other stuff that people get with the BF3 multihack (green boxes to show where everybody is as part of a wallhack, telling you if somebody is targeting you etc..) can all be turned off. Heck the hack even allows you to turn on one bullet kill. So the sniper rifle that should be a 50 damage hit ,becomes a 100 damage hit. Same with the pistols. The hackers favourite is the G18 due to the crazy ROF on it. You can take out 20 people in a second with 20 different bullets.
What scope do you use for the long range supression?
The PKA 3.4 X scope is just right.
Not too long, but enough zoom that you can see targets in the distance better.
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