What that guy has found to do with C4 never ceases to amaze me. Observe :
im botting ragin!
got 73-3 tonight on metro with F2000 as not used it since the patch and for some reason it isnt showing on battlelog! ****ED RIGHT OFFFGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
Done that mate, no difference.Setter punkbuster released some updates. Everyone should download pbsetup, run it and update bf3. This will fix the problem.
+100 million
Rofl........Ooooh Setter.....Why do I imagine you as Ed Bundy and ur PC as Peggy?
/QUOTE]I thought ol peg was pretty hot in that show mate, ive been wirh worse looking ladies lol. Pc wise, pretty decent rig, though gtx 470 sli is a bit old now perhaps.
Aimbot :
Uberdamage (only one bullet is needed to kill a player instantly)
Auto Spot (spot everyone on the map, automatic. You'll get the spotbonus for every kill your team makes)
Massmurder (kill everybody with a single button)
No Recoil
No Breathing
Visibility Checks
Soldier Aimbot
Vehicle Aimbot
Aim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)
Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health, etc.)
SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)
AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)
AutoFire (Off, On)
FriendlyFire (Off, On)
Radar :
3D Radar (Off, On) (+ Configurable for Players, Vehicles, Grenades, Flags, etc.)
2DRadar (Off, On) (+ Configurable radar scale)
Cross (Off, Cross, Dot, Box, Bounding Box)
Info Styles (Distance, Playername, Weaponname, Health, Armour)
Healthbars (Off, On)
TriggerBot :
TriggerBot (Off, On)
TriggerStyle (Instanthit, BulletSpeed and Bulletdrop)
Corrections :
Fps Correction (Off, On)
Ping Correction (Off, On)
Bulletspeed Correction (Off, On)
Bulletdrop Correction (Off, On)
Protection :
Threat Warning (Off, On)
KeyBinder :
KeyBinds (OnPress, OnRelease)
HotKey Support
Profile System :
Profiles can be saved/loaded
Graphical User Interface (GUI) :
Configuration Window with tab menus
Help :
Help files (FAQs, Explanations, Examples)
Compatible with DX11
PB secure
PB clean sshots
It can happen, as a lot have said. The game does have it's little foibles.im ****ing ragin!
got 73-3 tonight on metro with F2000 as not used it since the patch and for some reason it isnt showing on battlelog! ****ED RIGHT OFFFGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
That's fair dink um. It just seemed weird as when i was booted out (by ea) i checker the server and it wasn't like everyone was kicked so i went back in and got kicked 5 mins later and then saw10 in the qeueu so gave up and thought i might have been kicked by admin. Apologies if i jumped the gun.
I thought ol peg was pretty hot in that show mate, ive been wirh worse looking ladies lol. Pc wise, pretty decent rig, though gtx 470 sli is a bit old now perhaps.
im ****ing ragin!
got 73-3 tonight on metro with F2000 as not used it since the patch and for some reason it isnt showing on battlelog! ****ED RIGHT OFFFGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
99% of the BF3 playerbase are basically a bunch of monkeys running around, getting as close as possible to someone and spamming whole clips for one kill.
so is the assignment for 5 DPV Jeep kills broke or is there a specific way you have to do them ? I've ran people over, tried shooting them from the mounted gun and even killed them whilst someone was driving !! any tips welcome, cheers
Real men use the knife.....I'm on 999 knife kills...Who will be my 1000th hehehehe