Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Lol, nothing compared to the other night when we stole 2 F18's on operation firestorm and proceeded to smash the enemy for a good 30 mins without getting shot down. I lost count of the amount of vehicle disabled points I had because someone would always finish whatever I was hitting behind me!

With 4 jets in the air they may as well pack up and go home.
Lol, nothing compared to the other night when we stole 2 F18's on operation firestorm and proceeded to smash the enemy for a good 30 mins without getting shot down. I lost count of the amount of vehicle disabled points I had because someone would always finish whatever I was hitting behind me!

With 4 jets in the air they may as well pack up and go home.

How did you do that?
Is there a 'rent a server' option on PC like there is PS3? I was banned last night from one of the servers because our team dared to do well, how lame is that?
Origin down? Cannot log in -_-

Talk about annoying. Can login to Battlelog and see servers but Origin will not login to let me play. What a joke.
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Is it just me or does everything in BF3 look and seem smaller than the same things in BC2? Was just playing around with BC2 and the scale of things seems much larger, in BF3 it almost looks like things have been made in minature. :confused:
Where has all the team play gone from this game,it's just full of idiots one man armys,got TK 3 times for choppers last night pathetic geeks,i might aswell just base rape because nobody cares anymore on this game:mad:
had some awesome games today! was tough and and not a walk over like most games! was playing with few of my old TFC mates and people on our team actually listened and teamwork was awesome 2 maps we was 200 tickets behind but it was 800 ticket server so always have time to pull it back! only **** thing was fast vehicle respawn :( hate it usually but i ended up C4ing the same tank 7 times in a row haha! the rage was brilliant!
How do you get a grenade launcher onto another gun? or when and how do you get a grenade launcher to begin with?

I have to post this, very rare tags taken tonight from a blatent camper ;)


Never knew you could do that. Just happened to spot I had stolen some from somebody the other day.
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got 5 kills with a nade and 6 with one 320... skills

You're only allowed to kill people inefficiently and never make things easier for yourself by using explosive ordnance. Otherwise you are a "nab" or "noob" or "low" or "lame" or "noskill" or other some such l337 speak nonsense.

Please ensure you only engage other players on equal terms in the future, lest you upset someone. We couldn't possibly have that in a wargame.
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