uninstall and reinstall, it's all balls up again
uninstall and reinstall, it's all balls up again
uninstall and reinstall, it's all balls up again
Updating punkbuster solved my problems with that error.
Did you have to restart your machine?? It just kicked me again.....
I didn't do a restart after doing the manual PB update procedure....
wow new update is nice!
AA missles are awesome against jets TV missle doesn't 1 shot anymore and tank armour has been improved! seems a lot better so far! getting well addicted to flying jets am loving it atm and getting some nice scores! \o\
wow new update is nice!
AA missles are awesome against jets TV missle doesn't 1 shot anymore and tank armour has been improved! seems a lot better so far! getting well addicted to flying jets am loving it atm and getting some nice scores! \o\
Quick question, the guided missiles in the jets, is it just me that think they're bloody useless?
I've persisted with them as I think the idea of them is awesome, and it's pretty cool seeing the missile go down towards your target.
I'd say 3-4 times out of 10 will it actually hit anything (even if the target is stationery), and when it does hit it just says vehicle disabled. I swear I hit a tank last night that was already smoking heavily and it just said disable. I was expecting it to blow up. Are they just really underpowered?
are you referring to the gunner seats guided? as if so you really have to lock>fire>then follow up with a load of gun fire while the guided are on route
hope it sorts your issues
i wont be playing until new dlc now if thats bad ill uninstall it and thats me done . better games about with less bugs in .